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Application and entities related to discord's OAuth2 flow.

Application #

Bases: PartialApplication

Represents the information of an Oauth2 Application.

app class-attribute instance-attribute #

app: RESTAware = field(repr=False, eq=False, hash=False, metadata={SKIP_DEEP_COPY: True})

Client application that models may use for procedures.

approximate_guild_count class-attribute instance-attribute #

approximate_guild_count: int = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The approximate number of guilds this application is part of.

cover_image_hash class-attribute instance-attribute #

cover_image_hash: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The CDN's hash of this application's default rich presence invite cover image.

cover_image_url property #

cover_image_url: Optional[URL]

Rich presence cover image URL for this application, if set.

custom_install_url class-attribute instance-attribute #

custom_install_url: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The URL of this application's custom authorization link.

flags class-attribute instance-attribute #

flags: ApplicationFlags = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The flags for this application.

install_parameters class-attribute instance-attribute #

install_parameters: Optional[ApplicationInstallParameters] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

Settings for the application's default in-app authorization link, if enabled.

is_bot_code_grant_required class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_bot_code_grant_required: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

True if this application's bot is requiring code grant for invites.

is_bot_public class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_bot_public: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

True if the bot associated with this application is public.

owner class-attribute instance-attribute #

owner: User = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The application's owner.

privacy_policy_url class-attribute instance-attribute #

privacy_policy_url: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The URL of this application's privacy policy.

public_key class-attribute instance-attribute #

public_key: bytes = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The key used for verifying interaction and GameSDK payload signatures.

role_connections_verification_url class-attribute instance-attribute #

role_connections_verification_url: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The URL of this application's role connection verification entry point.

rpc_origins class-attribute instance-attribute #

rpc_origins: Optional[Sequence[str]] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

A collection of this application's RPC origin URLs, if RPC is enabled.

tags class-attribute instance-attribute #

tags: Sequence[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

A sequence of tags describing the content and functionality of the application.

team class-attribute instance-attribute #

team: Optional[Team] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The team this application belongs to.

If the application is not part of a team, this will be None.

terms_of_service_url class-attribute instance-attribute #

terms_of_service_url: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The URL of this application's terms of service.

make_cover_image_url #

make_cover_image_url(*, ext: str = 'png', size: int = 4096) -> Optional[URL]

Generate the rich presence cover image URL for this application, if set.


The extension to use for this URL. Supports png, jpeg, jpg and webp.

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'png'


The size to set for the URL. Can be any power of two between 16 and 4096.

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 4096


The URL, or None if no cover image exists.


If the size is not an integer power of 2 between 16 and 4096 (inclusive).

ApplicationFlags #

Bases: Flag

The known application flag bits.

APPLICATION_COMMAND_BADGE class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that the application has at least one global application command.

EMBEDDED class-attribute instance-attribute #

EMBEDDED = 1 << 17

Denotes that the application has functionality that's specially embedded in Discord's client.

GUILD_MEMBERS_INTENT class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that the application has the GUILD_MEMBERS intent enabled in it's dashboard.

GUILD_PRESENCES_INTENT class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that the application has the GUILD_PRESENCES intent enabled in it's dashboard.

MESSAGE_CONTENT_INTENT class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that the application has message content intent enabled in it's dashboard.

MESSAGE_CONTENT_INTENT_LIMITED class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that the application has message content access while pending verification.

VERIFICATION_PENDING_GUILD_LIMIT class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that the application's verification is pending.

VERIFIED_FOR_GUILD_MEMBERS_INTENT class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that a verified application can use the GUILD_MEMBERS intent.

VERIFIED_FOR_GUILD_PRESENCES class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes that a verified application can use the GUILD_PRESENCES intent.

ApplicationInstallParameters #

Represents the application install parameters.

permissions class-attribute instance-attribute #

permissions: Permissions = field(eq=True, repr=False, hash=True)

The permissions to add the bot to guild with.

scopes class-attribute instance-attribute #

scopes: Sequence[str] = field(eq=True, repr=False, hash=True)

The scopes to authorize the bot for.

ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecord #

Represents a role connection metadata record.

description class-attribute instance-attribute #

description: str = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The metadata's field description.

description_localizations class-attribute instance-attribute #

description_localizations: Mapping[Union[Locale, str], str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False, factory=dict)

A mapping of description localizations for this metadata field.

key class-attribute instance-attribute #

key: str = field(eq=True, hash=True, repr=False)

Dictionary key for the metadata field.

name class-attribute instance-attribute #

name: str = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The metadata's field name.

name_localizations class-attribute instance-attribute #

name_localizations: Mapping[Union[Locale, str], str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False, factory=dict)

A mapping of name localizations for this metadata field.

type class-attribute instance-attribute #

type: Union[ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecordType, int] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The type of metadata value record.

ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecordType #

Bases: int, Enum

Represents possible application role connection metadata record types.

BOOLEAN_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Boolean Equal.

BOOLEAN_NOT_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Boolean Not Equal.

DATETIME_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Datetime Greater Than Or Equal.

DATETIME_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Datetime Less Than Or Equal.

INTEGER_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Integer Equal.

INTEGER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Integer Greater Than Or Equal.

INTEGER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Integer Less Than Or Equal.

INTEGER_NOT_EQUAL class-attribute instance-attribute #


Integer Not Equal.

AuthorizationApplication #

Bases: PartialApplication

The application model found attached to hikari.applications.AuthorizationInformation.

is_bot_code_grant_required class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_bot_code_grant_required: Optional[bool] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

True if this application's bot is requiring code grant for invites.

Will be None if this application doesn't have a bot.

is_bot_public class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_bot_public: Optional[bool] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

True if the bot associated with this application is public.

Will be None if this application doesn't have an associated bot.

privacy_policy_url class-attribute instance-attribute #

privacy_policy_url: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The URL of this application's privacy policy.

public_key class-attribute instance-attribute #

public_key: bytes = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The key used for verifying interaction and GameSDK payload signatures.

terms_of_service_url class-attribute instance-attribute #

terms_of_service_url: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The URL of this application's terms of service.

AuthorizationInformation #

Model for the data returned by Get Current Authorization Information.

application class-attribute instance-attribute #

application: AuthorizationApplication = field(hash=False, repr=True)

The current application.

expires_at class-attribute instance-attribute #

expires_at: datetime = field(hash=False, repr=True)

When the access token this data was retrieved with expires.

scopes class-attribute instance-attribute #

scopes: Sequence[Union[OAuth2Scope, str]] = field(hash=False, repr=True)

A sequence of the scopes the current user has authorized the application for.

user class-attribute instance-attribute #

user: Optional[User] = field(hash=False, repr=True)

The user who has authorized this token.

This will only be included if the token is authorized for the hikari.applications.OAuth2Scope.IDENTIFY scope.

ConnectionVisibility #

Bases: int, Enum

Describes who can see a connection with a third party account.

EVERYONE class-attribute instance-attribute #


Everyone can see the connection.

NONE class-attribute instance-attribute #

NONE = 0

Implies that only you can see the corresponding connection.

InviteApplication #

Bases: PartialApplication

Represents the information of an Invite Application.

app class-attribute instance-attribute #

app: RESTAware = field(repr=False, eq=False, hash=False, metadata={SKIP_DEEP_COPY: True})

Client application that models may use for procedures.

cover_image_hash class-attribute instance-attribute #

cover_image_hash: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The CDN's hash of this application's default rich presence invite cover image.

cover_image_url property #

cover_image_url: Optional[URL]

Rich presence cover image URL for this application, if set.

public_key class-attribute instance-attribute #

public_key: bytes = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The key used for verifying interaction and GameSDK payload signatures.

make_cover_image_url #

make_cover_image_url(*, ext: str = 'png', size: int = 4096) -> Optional[URL]

Generate the rich presence cover image URL for this application, if set.


The extension to use for this URL. Supports png, jpeg, jpg and webp.

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'png'


The size to set for the URL. Can be any power of two between 16 and 4096.

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 4096


The URL, or None if no cover image exists.


If the size is not an integer power of 2 between 16 and 4096 (inclusive).

OAuth2AuthorizationToken #

Bases: PartialOAuth2Token

Model for the OAuth2 token data returned by the authorization grant flow.

guild class-attribute instance-attribute #

guild: Optional[RESTGuild] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

Object of the guild the user was added to.

This will only be present if this token was authorized with the hikari.applications.OAuth2Scope.BOT scope, otherwise this will be None.

refresh_token class-attribute instance-attribute #

refresh_token: int = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

Refresh token used to obtain new access tokens with the same grant.

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute #

webhook: Optional[IncomingWebhook] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

Object of the webhook that was created.

This will only be present if this token was authorized with the hikari.applications.OAuth2Scope.WEBHOOK_INCOMING scope, otherwise this will be None.

OAuth2ImplicitToken #

Bases: PartialOAuth2Token

Model for the OAuth2 token data returned by the implicit grant flow.

state class-attribute instance-attribute #

state: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

State parameter that was present in the authorization request if provided.

OAuth2Scope #

Bases: str, Enum

OAuth2 Scopes that Discord allows.

These are categories of permissions for applications using the OAuth2 API directly. Most users will only ever need the hikari.applications.OAuth2Scope.BOT scope when developing bots.

ACTIVITIES_READ class-attribute instance-attribute #


Enables fetching the "Now Playing/Recently Played" list.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.

ACTIVITIES_WRITE class-attribute instance-attribute #

ACTIVITIES_WRITE = 'activities.write'

Enables updating a user's activity.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.


This is not required to use the GameSDK activity manager.

APPLICATIONS_BUILDS_READ class-attribute instance-attribute #


Enables reading build data for a user's applications.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.

APPLICATIONS_BUILDS_UPLOAD class-attribute instance-attribute #

APPLICATIONS_BUILDS_UPLOAD = 'applications.builds.upload'

Enables uploading/updating builds for a user's applications.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.

APPLICATIONS_COMMANDS class-attribute instance-attribute #

APPLICATIONS_COMMANDS = 'applications.commands'

Allows your application's commands to be used in a guild.

This is used in Discord's special Bot Authorization Flow like hikari.applications.OAuth2Scope.BOT in-order to join an application into a guild as an application command providing integration.

APPLICATIONS_COMMANDS_PERMISSION_UPDATE class-attribute instance-attribute #

APPLICATIONS_COMMANDS_PERMISSION_UPDATE = 'applications.commands.permissions.update'

Allows your application to update its commands permissions via a bearer token.

APPLICATIONS_COMMANDS_UPDATE class-attribute instance-attribute #

APPLICATIONS_COMMANDS_UPDATE = 'applications.commands.update'

Allows your application to update its commands via a bearer token.

APPLICATIONS_ENTITLEMENTS class-attribute instance-attribute #

APPLICATIONS_ENTITLEMENTS = 'applications.entitlements'

Enables reading entitlements for a user's applications.

APPLICATIONS_STORE_UPDATE class-attribute instance-attribute #


Enables reading/updating store data for the user's applications.

This includes store listings, achievements, SKU's, etc.


The store API is deprecated and may be removed in the future.

BOT class-attribute instance-attribute #

BOT = 'bot'

Enables adding a bot application to a guild.


This requires you to have set up a bot account for your application.

CONNECTIONS class-attribute instance-attribute #

CONNECTIONS = 'connections'

Enables viewing third-party linked accounts such as Twitch.

EMAIL class-attribute instance-attribute #

EMAIL = 'email'

Enable the application to view the user's email and application info.

GROUP_DM_JOIN class-attribute instance-attribute #

GROUP_DM_JOIN = 'gdm.join'

Enables joining users into a group DM.


This cannot add the bot to a group DM.

GUILDS class-attribute instance-attribute #

GUILDS = 'guilds'

Enables viewing the guilds the user is in.

GUILDS_JOIN class-attribute instance-attribute #

GUILDS_JOIN = 'guilds.join'

Enables adding the user to a specific guild.


This requires you to have set up a bot account for your application.

GUILDS_MEMBERS_READ class-attribute instance-attribute #


Used to read the current user's guild members.

IDENTIFY class-attribute instance-attribute #

IDENTIFY = 'identify'

Enables viewing info about itself.


This does not include email address info. Use the hikari.applications.OAuth2Scope.EMAIL scope instead to retrieve this information.

RELATIONSHIPS_READ class-attribute instance-attribute #


Enables viewing a user's friend list.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.

ROLE_CONNECTIONS_WRITE class-attribute instance-attribute #

ROLE_CONNECTIONS_WRITE = 'role_connections.write'

Used to write to the current user's connection and metadata for the app.

RPC class-attribute instance-attribute #

RPC = 'rpc'

Enables the RPC application to control the local user's Discord client.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.

RPC_MESSAGES_READ class-attribute instance-attribute #


Enables the RPC application to read messages from all channels the user is in.

RPC_NOTIFICATIONS_READ class-attribute instance-attribute #


Enables the RPC application to read from all channels the user is in.


You must be whitelisted to use this scope.

WEBHOOK_INCOMING class-attribute instance-attribute #

WEBHOOK_INCOMING = 'webhook.incoming'

Used to generate a webhook that is returned in the OAuth2 token response.

This is used during authorization code grants.

OwnApplicationRoleConnection #

Represents an own application role connection.

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute #

metadata: Mapping[str, str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

Mapping application role connection metadata keys to their value.


Unfortunately, these can't be deserialized to their proper types as Discord don't provide a way to difference between them.

You can deserialize them yourself based on what value you expect from the key: - INTEGER_X: Cast to an int. - DATETIME_X: Cast to datetime.datetime.fromisoformat or ciso8601.parse_rfc3339 (for speed). - BOOLEAN_X: Cast to a bool.

platform_name class-attribute instance-attribute #

platform_name: Optional[str] = field(eq=True, hash=True, repr=True)

The name of the platform.

platform_username class-attribute instance-attribute #

platform_username: Optional[str] = field(eq=True, hash=True, repr=True)

The users name in the platform.

OwnConnection #

Represents a user's connection with a third party account.

Returned by the [GET Current User Connections][] endpoint.

id class-attribute instance-attribute #

id: str = field(hash=True, repr=True)

The string ID of the third party connected account.


Seeing as this is a third party ID, it will not be a snowflakes.

integrations class-attribute instance-attribute #

integrations: Sequence[PartialIntegration] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

A sequence of the partial guild integration objects this connection has.

is_activity_visible class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_activity_visible: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

True if this connection's activities are shown in the user's presence.

is_friend_sync_enabled class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_friend_sync_enabled: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

True if friends should be added based on this connection.

is_revoked class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_revoked: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

True if the connection has been revoked.

is_verified class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_verified: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

True if the connection has been verified.

name class-attribute instance-attribute #

name: str = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The username of the connected account.

type class-attribute instance-attribute #

type: str = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The type of service this connection is for.

visibility class-attribute instance-attribute #

visibility: Union[ConnectionVisibility, int] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The visibility of the connection.

OwnGuild #

Bases: PartialGuild

Represents a user bound partial guild object.

approximate_active_member_count class-attribute instance-attribute #

approximate_active_member_count: int = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The approximate amount of presences in this guild.

approximate_member_count class-attribute instance-attribute #

approximate_member_count: int = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The approximate amount of members in this guild.

features class-attribute instance-attribute #

features: Sequence[Union[str, GuildFeature]] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

A list of the features in this guild.

is_owner class-attribute instance-attribute #

is_owner: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

True when the current user owns this guild.

my_permissions class-attribute instance-attribute #

my_permissions: Permissions = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The guild-level permissions that apply to the current user or bot.

PartialOAuth2Token #

Model for partial OAuth2 token data returned by the API.

This will generally only be returned when by the client credentials OAuth2 flow.

access_token class-attribute instance-attribute #

access_token: str = field(hash=True, repr=False)

Access token issued by the authorization server.

expires_in class-attribute instance-attribute #

expires_in: timedelta = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

Lifetime of this access token.

scopes class-attribute instance-attribute #

scopes: Sequence[Union[OAuth2Scope, str]] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

Scopes the access token has access to.

token_type class-attribute instance-attribute #

token_type: Union[TokenType, str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

Type of token issued by the authorization server.

Team #

Bases: Unique

Represents a development team, along with all its members.

app class-attribute instance-attribute #

app: RESTAware = field(repr=False, eq=False, hash=False, metadata={SKIP_DEEP_COPY: True})

Client application that models may use for procedures.

icon_hash class-attribute instance-attribute #

icon_hash: Optional[str] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The CDN hash of this team's icon.

If no icon is provided, this will be None.

icon_url property #

icon_url: Optional[URL]

Icon URL, or None if no icon exists.

id class-attribute instance-attribute #

id: Snowflake = field(hash=True, repr=True)

The ID of this entity.

members class-attribute instance-attribute #

members: Mapping[Snowflake, TeamMember] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

A mapping containing each member in this team.

The mapping maps keys containing the member's ID to values containing the member object.

name class-attribute instance-attribute #

name: str = field(hash=False, eq=False, repr=True)

The name of this team.

owner_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

owner_id: Snowflake = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

The ID of this team's owner.

make_icon_url #

make_icon_url(*, ext: str = 'png', size: int = 4096) -> Optional[URL]

Generate the icon URL for this team if set.


The extension to use for this URL. Supports png, jpeg, jpg and webp.

TYPE: str DEFAULT: 'png'


The size to set for the URL. Can be any power of two between 16 and 4096 inclusive.

TYPE: int DEFAULT: 4096


The URL, or None if no icon exists.


If the size is not an integer power of 2 between 16 and 4096 (inclusive).

TeamMember #

Bases: User

Represents a member of a Team.

accent_color property #

accent_color: Optional[Color]

The custom banner color for the user, if set else None.

The official client will decide the default color if not set.

app property #

app: RESTAware

Return the app that is bound to the user object.

avatar_hash property #

avatar_hash: Optional[str]

Avatar hash for the user, if they have one, otherwise None.

avatar_url property #

avatar_url: Optional[URL]

Avatar URL for the user, if they have one set.

May be None if no custom avatar is set. In this case, you should use hikari.User.default_avatar_url instead.

banner_hash property #

banner_hash: Optional[str]

Banner hash for the user, if they have one, otherwise None.

banner_url property #

banner_url: Optional[URL]

Banner URL for the user, if they have one set.

May be None if no custom banner is set.

default_avatar_url property #

default_avatar_url: URL

Default avatar URL for this user.

discriminator property #

discriminator: str

Discriminator for the user.

!!! deprecated 2.0.0.dev120 Discriminators are deprecated and being replaced with "0" by Discord during username migration. This field will be removed after migration is complete. Learn more here:

flags property #

flags: UserFlag

Flag bits that are set for the user.

global_name property #

global_name: Optional[str]

Global name for the user, if they have one, otherwise None.

id property #

ID of this entity.

is_bot property #

is_bot: bool

Whether this user is a bot account.

is_system property #

is_system: bool

Whether this user is a system account.

membership_state class-attribute instance-attribute #

membership_state: Union[TeamMembershipState, int] = field(repr=False)

The state of this user's membership.

mention property #

mention: str

Return a raw mention string for the given user.


>>> some_user.mention

permissions class-attribute instance-attribute #

permissions: Sequence[str] = field(repr=False)

This member's permissions within a team.

At the time of writing, this will always be a sequence of one str, which will always be "*". This may change in the future, however.

team_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

team_id: Snowflake = field(repr=True)

The ID of the team this member belongs to.

user class-attribute instance-attribute #

user: User = field(repr=True)

The user representation of this team member.

username property #

username: str

Username for the user.

TeamMembershipState #

Bases: int, Enum

Represents the state of a user's team membership.

ACCEPTED class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes the user has accepted the invite and is now a member.

INVITED class-attribute instance-attribute #


Denotes the user has been invited to the team but has yet to accept.

TokenType #

Bases: str, Enum

Token types used within Hikari clients.

BASIC class-attribute instance-attribute #

BASIC = 'Basic'

OAuth2 basic token type.

BEARER class-attribute instance-attribute #

BEARER = 'Bearer'

OAuth2 bearer token type.

BOT class-attribute instance-attribute #

BOT = 'Bot'

Bot token type.

get_token_id #

get_token_id(token: str) -> Snowflake

Try to get the bot ID stored in a token.


The ID that was extracted from the token.


If the passed token has an unexpected format.