Source code for hikari.interactions.base_interactions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""Base classes and enums inherited and used throughout the interactions flow."""
from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = (

import typing

import attrs

from hikari import channels
from hikari import guilds
from hikari import snowflakes
from hikari import undefined
from hikari import webhooks
from hikari.internal import attrs_extensions
from hikari.internal import enums

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from hikari import embeds as embeds_
    from hikari import files
    from hikari import messages
    from hikari import permissions as permissions_
    from hikari import traits
    from hikari import users
    from hikari.api import special_endpoints

_CommandResponseTypesT = typing.TypeVar("_CommandResponseTypesT", bound=int)
[docs]class InteractionType(int, enums.Enum): """The type of an interaction.""" # PING isn't here as it should be handled as internal detail of the REST # server rather than as a part of the public interface.
"""An interaction triggered by a user calling an application command."""
"""An interaction triggered by a user calling a message component."""
"""An interaction triggered by a user typing in a slash command option."""
[docs] MODAL_SUBMIT = 5
"""An interaction triggered by a user submitting a modal."""
[docs]class ResponseType(int, enums.Enum): """The type of an interaction response.""" # PONG isn't here as it should be handled as internal detail of the REST # server rather than as a part of the public interface. # Type 2 and 3 aren't included as they were deprecated/removed by Discord.
"""An immediate message response to an interaction. * `InteractionType.APPLICATION_COMMAND` * `InteractionType.MESSAGE_COMPONENT` """
"""Acknowledge an interaction with the intention to edit in a message response later. The user will see a loading state when this type is used until this interaction expires or a message response is edited in over REST. This is valid for the following interaction types: * `InteractionType.APPLICATION_COMMAND` * `InteractionType.MESSAGE_COMPONENT` """
"""Acknowledge an interaction with the intention to edit its message later. This is valid for the following interaction types: * `InteractionType.MESSAGE_COMPONENT` """
"""An immediate interaction response with instructions on how to update its message. This is valid for the following interaction types: * `InteractionType.MESSAGE_COMPONENT` """
"""Respond to an autocomplete interaction with suggested choices. This is valid for the following interaction types: * `InteractionType.AUTOCOMPLETE` """
[docs] MODAL = 9
"""An immediate interaction response with instructions to display a modal. This is valid for the following interaction types: * `InteractionType.MODAL_SUBMIT` """
[docs]MESSAGE_RESPONSE_TYPES: typing.Final[typing.AbstractSet[MessageResponseTypesT]] = frozenset( [ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE] )
"""Set of the response types which are valid for message responses. This includes the following: * `ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE` * `ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE` """
[docs]MessageResponseTypesT = typing.Literal[ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE, 4, ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE, 7]
"""Type-hint of the response types which are valid for message responses. The following are valid for this: * `ResponseType.MESSAGE_CREATE`/`4` * `ResponseType.MESSAGE_UPDATE`/`7` """
[docs]DEFERRED_RESPONSE_TYPES: typing.Final[typing.AbstractSet[DeferredResponseTypesT]] = frozenset( [ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE] )
"""Set of the response types which are valid for deferred messages responses. This includes the following: * `ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE` * `ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE` """
[docs]DeferredResponseTypesT = typing.Literal[ ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE, 5, ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE, 6 ]
"""Type-hint of the response types which are valid for deferred messages responses. The following are valid for this: * `ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_CREATE`/`5` * `ResponseType.DEFERRED_MESSAGE_UPDATE`/`6` """ @attrs_extensions.with_copy @attrs.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
[docs]class PartialInteraction(snowflakes.Unique, webhooks.ExecutableWebhook): """The base model for all interaction models."""
[docs] app: traits.RESTAware = attrs.field(repr=False, eq=False, metadata={attrs_extensions.SKIP_DEEP_COPY: True})
"""Client application that models may use for procedures.""" id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attrs.field(hash=True, repr=True) # <<inherited docstring from Unique>>.
[docs] application_id: snowflakes.Snowflake = attrs.field(eq=False, repr=False)
"""ID of the application this interaction belongs to."""
[docs] type: typing.Union[InteractionType, int] = attrs.field(eq=False, repr=True)
"""The type of interaction this is."""
[docs] token: str = attrs.field(eq=False, repr=False)
"""The interaction's token."""
[docs] version: int = attrs.field(eq=False, repr=True)
"""Version of the interaction system this interaction is under.""" @property def webhook_id(self) -> snowflakes.Snowflake: # <<inherited docstring from ExecutableWebhook>>. return self.application_id
[docs]class MessageResponseMixin(PartialInteraction, typing.Generic[_CommandResponseTypesT]): """Mixin' class for all interaction types which can be responded to with a message.""" __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ()
[docs] async def fetch_initial_response(self) -> messages.Message: """Fetch the initial response of this interaction. Returns ------- hikari.messages.Message Message object of the initial response. Raises ------ hikari.errors.ForbiddenError If you cannot access the target interaction. hikari.errors.NotFoundError If the initial response isn't found. hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token). hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request. hikari.errors.InternalServerError If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request. """ return await, self.token)
[docs] async def create_initial_response( self, response_type: _CommandResponseTypesT, content: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any] = undefined.UNDEFINED, *, flags: typing.Union[int, messages.MessageFlag, undefined.UndefinedType] = undefined.UNDEFINED, tts: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED, attachment: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[files.Resourceish] = undefined.UNDEFINED, attachments: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[files.Resourceish]] = undefined.UNDEFINED, component: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED, components: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[ typing.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, embed: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[embeds_.Embed] = undefined.UNDEFINED, embeds: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[embeds_.Embed]] = undefined.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED, user_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[ typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[users.PartialUser], bool] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, role_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[ typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[guilds.PartialRole], bool] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> None: """Create the initial response for this interaction. .. warning:: Calling this on an interaction which already has an initial response will result in this raising a `hikari.errors.NotFoundError`. This includes if the REST interaction server has already responded to the request. Parameters ---------- response_type : typing.Union[int, CommandResponseTypesT] The type of interaction response this is. Other Parameters ---------------- content : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Any] If provided, the message contents. If `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then nothing will be sent in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a `str`. If this is a `hikari.embeds.Embed` and no `embed` nor `embeds` kwarg is provided, then this will instead update the embed. This allows for simpler syntax when sending an embed alone. attachment : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Union[hikari.files.Resourceish, hikari.messages.Attachment]] If provided, the message attachment. This can be a resource, or string of a path on your computer or a URL. attachments : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[hikari.files.Resourceish, hikari.messages.Attachment]]] If provided, the message attachments. These can be resources, or strings consisting of paths on your computer or URLs. component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] If provided, builder object of the component to include in this message. components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] If provided, a sequence of the component builder objects to include in this message. embed : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.embeds.Embed] If provided, the message embed. embeds : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed]] If provided, the message embeds. flags : typing.Union[int, hikari.messages.MessageFlag, hikari.undefined.UndefinedType] If provided, the message flags this response should have. As of writing the only message flags which can be set here are `hikari.messages.MessageFlag.EPHEMERAL`, `hikari.messages.MessageFlag.SUPPRESS_NOTIFICATIONS` and `hikari.messages.MessageFlag.SUPPRESS_EMBEDS`. tts : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] If provided, whether the message will be read out by a screen reader using Discord's TTS (text-to-speech) system. mentions_everyone : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] If provided, whether the message should parse @everyone/@here mentions. user_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.users.PartialUser], bool]] If provided, and `True`, all user mentions will be detected. If provided, and `False`, all user mentions will be ignored if appearing in the message body. Alternatively this may be a collection of `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or `hikari.users.PartialUser` derivatives to enforce mentioning specific users. role_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.guilds.PartialRole], bool]] If provided, and `True`, all role mentions will be detected. If provided, and `False`, all role mentions will be ignored if appearing in the message body. Alternatively this may be a collection of `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or `hikari.guilds.PartialRole` derivatives to enforce mentioning specific roles. Raises ------ ValueError If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for `role_mentions` or `user_mentions`. TypeError If both `embed` and `embeds` are specified. hikari.errors.BadRequestError This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; invalid image URLs in embeds. hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token). hikari.errors.NotFoundError If the interaction is not found or if the interaction's initial response has already been created. hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request. hikari.errors.InternalServerError If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request. """ # noqa: E501 - Line too long await, self.token, response_type, content, tts=tts, attachment=attachment, attachments=attachments, component=component, components=components, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, flags=flags, mentions_everyone=mentions_everyone, user_mentions=user_mentions, role_mentions=role_mentions, )
[docs] async def edit_initial_response( self, content: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Any] = undefined.UNDEFINED, *, attachment: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[ typing.Union[files.Resourceish, messages.Attachment] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, attachments: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[ typing.Sequence[typing.Union[files.Resourceish, messages.Attachment]] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, component: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED, components: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[ typing.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, embed: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[embeds_.Embed] = undefined.UNDEFINED, embeds: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[embeds_.Embed]] = undefined.UNDEFINED, mentions_everyone: undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] = undefined.UNDEFINED, user_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[ typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[users.PartialUser], bool] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, role_mentions: undefined.UndefinedOr[ typing.Union[snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[guilds.PartialRole], bool] ] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> messages.Message: """Edit the initial response of this command interaction. .. note:: Mentioning everyone, roles, or users in message edits currently will not send a push notification showing a new mention to people on Discord. It will still highlight in their chat as if they were mentioned, however. .. warning:: If you specify a text `content`, `mentions_everyone`, `mentions_reply`, `user_mentions`, and `role_mentions` will default to `False` as the message will be re-parsed for mentions. This will also occur if only one of the four are specified This is a limitation of Discord's design. If in doubt, specify all four of them each time. Other Parameters ---------------- content : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Any] If provided, the message contents. If `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, then nothing will be sent in the content. Any other value here will be cast to a `str`. If this is a `hikari.embeds.Embed` and neither the `embed` or `embeds` kwargs are provided or if this is a `hikari.files.Resourceish` and neither the `attachment` or `attachments` kwargs are provided, the values will be overwritten. This allows for simpler syntax when sending an embed or an attachment alone. Likewise, if this is a `hikari.files.Resource`, then the content is instead treated as an attachment if no `attachment` and no `attachments` kwargs are provided. attachment : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Union[hikari.files.Resourceish, hikari.messages.Attachment]] If provided, the attachment to set on the message. If `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous attachment, if present, is not changed. If this is `None`, then the attachment is removed, if present. Otherwise, the new attachment that was provided will be attached. attachments : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[typing.Union[hikari.files.Resourceish, hikari.messages.Attachment]]] If provided, the attachments to set on the message. If `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous attachments, if present, are not changed. If this is `None`, then the attachments is removed, if present. Otherwise, the new attachments that were provided will be attached. component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] If provided, builder object of the component to set for this message. This component will replace any previously set components and passing `None` will remove all components. components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] If provided, a sequence of the component builder objects set for this message. These components will replace any previously set components and passing `None` or an empty sequence will remove all components. embed : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.embeds.Embed] If provided, the embed to set on the message. If `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous embed(s) are not changed. If this is `None` then any present embeds are removed. Otherwise, the new embed that was provided will be used as the replacement. embeds : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.embeds.Embed]] If provided, the embeds to set on the message. If `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED`, the previous embed(s) are not changed. If this is `None` then any present embeds are removed. Otherwise, the new embeds that were provided will be used as the replacement. mentions_everyone : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[bool] If provided, whether the message should parse @everyone/@here mentions. user_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.users.PartialUser], bool]] If provided, and `True`, all user mentions will be detected. If provided, and `False`, all user mentions will be ignored if appearing in the message body. Alternatively this may be a collection of `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or `hikari.users.PartialUser` derivatives to enforce mentioning specific users. role_mentions : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Union[hikari.snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[hikari.guilds.PartialRole], bool]] If provided, and `True`, all role mentions will be detected. If provided, and `False`, all role mentions will be ignored if appearing in the message body. Alternatively this may be a collection of `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake`, or `hikari.guilds.PartialRole` derivatives to enforce mentioning specific roles. Returns ------- hikari.messages.Message The edited message. Raises ------ ValueError If more than 100 unique objects/entities are passed for `role_mentions` or `user_mentions`. TypeError If both `embed` and `embeds` are specified. hikari.errors.BadRequestError This may be raised in several discrete situations, such as messages being empty with no attachments or embeds; messages with more than 2000 characters in them, embeds that exceed one of the many embed limits; too many attachments; attachments that are too large; invalid image URLs in embeds; too many components. hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token). hikari.errors.NotFoundError If the interaction or the message are not found. hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request. hikari.errors.InternalServerError If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request. """ # noqa: E501 - Line too long return await self.application_id, self.token, content, attachment=attachment, attachments=attachments, component=component, components=components, embed=embed, embeds=embeds, mentions_everyone=mentions_everyone, user_mentions=user_mentions, role_mentions=role_mentions, )
[docs] async def delete_initial_response(self) -> None: """Delete the initial response of this interaction. Raises ------ hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token). hikari.errors.NotFoundError If the interaction or response is not found. hikari.errors.RateLimitTooLongError Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than `max_rate_limit` when making a request. hikari.errors.InternalServerError If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request. """ await, self.token)
[docs]class ModalResponseMixin(PartialInteraction): """Mixin' class for all interaction types which can be responded to with a modal.""" __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ()
[docs] async def create_modal_response( self, title: str, custom_id: str, component: undefined.UndefinedOr[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder] = undefined.UNDEFINED, components: undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> None: """Create a response by sending a modal. Parameters ---------- title : str The title that will show up in the modal. custom_id : str Developer set custom ID used for identifying interactions with this modal. Other Parameters ---------------- component : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] A component builder to send in this modal. components : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[typing.Sequence[hikari.api.special_endpoints.ComponentBuilder]] A sequence of component builders to send in this modal. Raises ------ ValueError If both `component` and `components` are specified or if none are specified. """ await, self.token, title=title, custom_id=custom_id, component=component, components=components )
[docs] def build_modal_response(self, title: str, custom_id: str) -> special_endpoints.InteractionModalBuilder: """Create a builder for a modal interaction response. Parameters ---------- title : str The title that will show up in the modal. custom_id : str Developer set custom ID used for identifying interactions with this modal. Returns ------- hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionModalBuilder The interaction modal response builder object. """ return, custom_id=custom_id)
@attrs.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
[docs]class InteractionMember(guilds.Member): """Model of the member who triggered an interaction. Unlike `hikari.guilds.Member`, this object comes with an extra `InteractionMember.permissions` field. """
[docs] permissions: permissions_.Permissions = attrs.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)
"""Permissions the member has in the current channel."""
@attrs_extensions.with_copy @attrs.define(hash=True, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
[docs]class InteractionChannel(channels.PartialChannel): """Represents partial channels returned as resolved entities on interactions."""
[docs] permissions: permissions_.Permissions = attrs.field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)
"""Permissions the command's executor has in this channel."""
@attrs_extensions.with_copy @attrs.define(hash=False, kw_only=True, weakref_slot=False)
[docs]class ResolvedOptionData: """Represents the resolved objects of entities referenced in a command's options."""
[docs] attachments: typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, messages.Attachment] = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""Mapping of snowflake IDs to the attachment objects."""
[docs] channels: typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, InteractionChannel] = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""Mapping of snowflake IDs to the resolved option partial channel objects."""
[docs] members: typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, InteractionMember] = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""Mapping of snowflake IDs to the resolved option member objects."""
[docs] messages: typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, messages.Message] = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""Mapping of snowflake IDs to the resolved option partial message objects."""
[docs] roles: typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, guilds.Role] = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""Mapping of snowflake IDs to the resolved option role objects."""
[docs] users: typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, users.User] = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""Mapping of snowflake IDs to the resolved option user objects."""