
Models and enums used for application commands on Discord.

Module Contents#

class hikari.commands.CommandChoice[source]#

Represents the choices set for an application command’s argument.

name: str[source]#

The choice’s name (inclusively between 1-100 characters).

name_localizations: Mapping[hikari.locales.Locale | str, str][source]#

A mapping of name localizations for this command choice.

value: str | int | float[source]#

Value of the choice (up to 100 characters if a string).

class hikari.commands.CommandOption[source]#

Represents an application command’s argument.

autocomplete: bool[source]#

Whether this option has autocomplete.

channel_types: Sequence[hikari.channels.ChannelType | int] | None[source]#

The channel types that this option will accept.

If None, then all channel types will be accepted.

choices: Sequence[CommandChoice] | None[source]#

A sequence of up to (and including) 25 choices for this command.

This will be None if the input values for this option aren’t limited to specific values or if it’s a subcommand or subcommand-group type option.

description: str[source]#

The command option’s description.


This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

description_localizations: Mapping[hikari.locales.Locale | str, str][source]#

A mapping of description localizations for this option.

is_required: bool[source]#

Whether this command option is required.

max_length: int | None[source]#

The maximum length permitted (inclusive).

This is only valid for hikari.commands.OptionType.STRING, otherwise it will be None.

max_value: int | float | None[source]#

The maximum value permitted (inclusive).

This will be int if the type of the option is hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER and float if the type is hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT.

min_length: int | None[source]#

The minimum length permitted (inclusive).

This is only valid for hikari.commands.OptionType.STRING, otherwise it will be None.

min_value: int | float | None[source]#

The minimum value permitted (inclusive).

This will be int if the type of the option is hikari.commands.OptionType.INTEGER and float if the type is hikari.commands.OptionType.FLOAT.

name: str[source]#

The command option’s name.


This will match the regex ^[-_p{L}p{N}p{sc=Deva}p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}$ in Unicode mode and will be lowercase.

name_localizations: Mapping[hikari.locales.Locale | str, str][source]#

A mapping of name localizations for this option.

options: Sequence[CommandOption] | None[source]#

Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command option.

type: OptionType | int[source]#

The type of command option this is.

class hikari.commands.CommandPermission[source]#

Representation of a permission which enables or disables a command for a user or role.

has_access: bool[source]#

Whether this permission marks the target entity as having access to the command.

id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

ID of the role or user this permission changes the permission’s state for.

There are some special constants for this field:

  • If equals to guild_id, then it applies to all members in a guild.

  • If equals to (guild_id - 1), then it applies to all channels in a guild.

type: CommandPermissionType | int[source]#

The entity this permission overrides the command’s state for.

class hikari.commands.CommandPermissionType[source]#

Bases: int, hikari.internal.enums.Enum

The type of entity a command permission targets.

CHANNEL = 3[source]#

A command permission which toggles access in a specific channel.

ROLE = 1[source]#

A command permission which toggles access for a specific role.

USER = 2[source]#

A command permission which toggles access for a specific user.

class hikari.commands.CommandType[source]#

Bases: int, hikari.internal.enums.Enum

The type of a command.

MESSAGE = 3[source]#

A message-based command.

SLASH = 1[source]#

A text-based command.

USER = 2[source]#

A user-based command.

class hikari.commands.ContextMenuCommand[source]#

Bases: PartialCommand

Represents a context menu command on Discord.

class hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions[source]#

Representation of the permissions set for a command within a guild.

application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

ID of the application the relevant command belongs to.

command_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

ID of the command these permissions are for.

guild_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

ID of the guild these permissions are in.

id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

ID of the entity these permissions apply to.

This may be the ID of a specific command or the application ID. When this is equal to application_id, the permissions apply to all commands that do not contain explicit overwrites.

permissions: Sequence[CommandPermission][source]#

Sequence of up to (and including) 100 of the command permissions set in this guild.

class hikari.commands.OptionType[source]#

Bases: int, hikari.internal.enums.Enum

The type of a command option.

ATTACHMENT = 11[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be an attachment.

BOOLEAN = 5[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a bool.

CHANNEL = 7[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a channel.

FLOAT = 10[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a float.

This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.

INTEGER = 4[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a int.

This is range limited between -2^53 and 2^53.

MENTIONABLE = 9[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a snowflake ID.

ROLE = 8[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a role.

STRING = 3[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a string.

SUB_COMMAND = 1[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command.

SUB_COMMAND_GROUP = 2[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be a sub command group.

USER = 6[source]#

Denotes a command option where the value will be resolved to a user.

class hikari.commands.PartialCommand[source]#

Bases: hikari.snowflakes.Unique

Represents any application command on Discord.

app: hikari.traits.RESTAware[source]#

Client application that models may use for procedures.

application_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

ID of the application this command belongs to.

default_member_permissions: hikari.permissions.Permissions[source]#

Member permissions necessary to utilize this command by default.

This excludes administrators of the guild and overwrites.

guild_id: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake | None[source]#

ID of the guild this command is in.

This will be None if this is a global command.

is_dm_enabled: bool[source]#

Whether this command is enabled in DMs with the bot.

is_nsfw: bool[source]#

Whether this command is age-restricted.

name: str[source]#

The command’s name.


This will match the regex ^[-_p{L}p{N}p{sc=Deva}p{sc=Thai}]{1,32}$ in Unicode mode and will be lowercase.

name_localizations: Mapping[hikari.locales.Locale | str, str][source]#

A mapping of name localizations for this command.

type: CommandType[source]#

The type of a command.

version: hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake[source]#

Auto-incrementing version identifier updated during substantial record changes.

async delete()[source]#

Delete this command.


If you cannot access the application’s commands.


If the application or command isn’t found.


If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).


Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.


If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

async edit(*, name=undefined.UNDEFINED, description=undefined.UNDEFINED, options=undefined.UNDEFINED)[source]#

Edit this command.

Other Parameters:

The name to set for the command. Leave as hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED to not change.


The description to set for the command. Leave as hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED to not change.


A sequence of up to 10 options to set for this command. Leave this as hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED to not change.


The edited command object.


If you cannot access the application’s commands.


If the application or command isn’t found.


If any of the fields that are passed have an invalid value.


If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).


Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.


If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

async fetch_guild_permissions(guild, /)[source]#

Fetch the permissions registered for this command in a specific guild.


Object or ID of the guild to fetch the command permissions for.


Object of the command permissions set for the specified command.


If you cannot access the provided application’s commands or guild.


If the provided application or command isn’t found.


If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).


Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.


If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

async fetch_self()[source]#

Fetch an up-to-date version of this command object.


Object of the fetched command.


If you cannot access the target command.


If the command isn’t found.


If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).


Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.


If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

async set_guild_permissions(guild, permissions)[source]#

Set permissions for this command in a specific guild.


This overwrites any previously set permissions.


Object or ID of the guild to set the command permissions in.


Sequence of up to 10 of the permission objects to set.


Object of the set permissions.


If you cannot access the provided application’s commands or guild.


If the provided application or command isn’t found.


If you are unauthorized to make the request (invalid/missing token).


Raised in the event that a rate limit occurs that is longer than max_rate_limit when making a request.


If an internal error occurs on Discord while handling the request.

class hikari.commands.SlashCommand[source]#

Bases: PartialCommand

Represents a slash command on Discord.

description: str[source]#

The command’s description.

None if this command is not a slash command.


This will be inclusively between 1-100 characters in length.

description_localizations: Mapping[hikari.locales.Locale | str, str][source]#

A set of description localizations for this command.

options: Sequence[CommandOption] | None[source]#

Sequence of up to (and including) 25 of the options for this command.