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Application and entities that are used to describe stage instances on Discord.

StageInstance #

Bases: Unique

Represents a stage instance.

app class-attribute instance-attribute #

app: RESTAware = field(repr=False, eq=False, hash=False, metadata={SKIP_DEEP_COPY: True})

The client application that models may use for procedures.

channel_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

channel_id: Snowflake = field(hash=True, repr=False)

The channel ID of the stage instance.

discoverable_disabled class-attribute instance-attribute #

discoverable_disabled: bool = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

Whether or not stage discovery is disabled.

guild_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

guild_id: Snowflake = field(hash=True, repr=False)

The guild ID of the stage instance.

id class-attribute instance-attribute #

id: Snowflake = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=True)

ID of the stage instance.

privacy_level class-attribute instance-attribute #

privacy_level: StageInstancePrivacyLevel = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The privacy level of the stage instance.

scheduled_event_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

scheduled_event_id: Optional[SnowflakeishOr[ScheduledEvent]] = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The ID of the scheduled event for this stage instance, if it exists.

topic class-attribute instance-attribute #

topic: str = field(eq=False, hash=False, repr=False)

The topic of the stage instance.

StageInstancePrivacyLevel #

Bases: int, Enum

The privacy level of a stage instance.

GUILD_ONLY class-attribute instance-attribute #


The Stage instance is visible to only guild members.

PUBLIC class-attribute instance-attribute #


The Stage instance is visible publicly.