Source code for hikari.impl.event_manager_base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""A base implementation for an event manager."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("filtered", "EventManagerBase", "EventStream")

import asyncio
import inspect
import itertools
import logging
import sys
import types
import typing
import warnings
import weakref

import attrs

from hikari import errors
from hikari import iterators
from hikari.api import config
from hikari.api import event_manager as event_manager_
from import base_events
from import shard_events
from hikari.internal import aio
from hikari.internal import fast_protocol
from hikari.internal import reflect
from hikari.internal import ux

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing_extensions import Self

    from hikari import intents as intents_
    from hikari.api import event_factory as event_factory_
    from hikari.api import shard as gateway_shard
    from hikari.internal import data_binding

    _ConsumerT = typing.Callable[
        [gateway_shard.GatewayShard, data_binding.JSONObject], typing.Coroutine[typing.Any, typing.Any, None]
    _ListenerMapT = typing.Dict[
        typing.Type[base_events.EventT], typing.List[event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT]]
    _WaiterT = typing.Tuple[
        typing.Optional[event_manager_.PredicateT[base_events.EventT]], "asyncio.Future[base_events.EventT]"
    _WaiterMapT = typing.Dict[typing.Type[base_events.EventT], typing.Set[_WaiterT[base_events.EventT]]]

    _EventManagerBaseT = typing.TypeVar("_EventManagerBaseT", bound="EventManagerBase")
    _UnboundMethodT = typing.Callable[
        [_EventManagerBaseT, gateway_shard.GatewayShard, data_binding.JSONObject],
        typing.Coroutine[typing.Any, typing.Any, None],

if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
    # We can use types.UnionType on 3.10+
    _UNIONS = frozenset((typing.Union, types.UnionType))
    _UNIONS = frozenset((typing.Union,))

_LOGGER: typing.Final[logging.Logger] = logging.getLogger("hikari.event_manager")

class _FilteredMethodT(fast_protocol.FastProtocolChecking, typing.Protocol):
    __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ()

    async def __call__(self, shard: gateway_shard.GatewayShard, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, /) -> None:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __cache_components__(self) -> config.CacheComponents:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __events_bitmask__(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError

def _generate_weak_listener(
    reference: weakref.WeakMethod[typing.Any],
) -> typing.Callable[[base_events.Event], typing.Coroutine[typing.Any, typing.Any, None]]:
    async def call_weak_method(event: base_events.Event) -> None:
        method = reference()
        if method is None:
            raise TypeError(
                "dead weak referenced subscriber method cannot be executed, try actually closing your event streamers"

        await method(event)

    return call_weak_method

[docs] class EventStream(event_manager_.EventStream[base_events.EventT]): """An implementation of an event `EventStream` class. .. note:: While calling `EventStream.filter` on an active "opened" event stream will return a wrapping lazy iterator, calling it on an inactive "closed" event stream will return the event stream and add the given predicates to the streamer. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ( "__weakref__", "_active", "_event", "_event_manager", "_event_type", "_filters", "_limit", "_queue", "_registered_listener", "_timeout", ) __weakref__: typing.Optional[weakref.ref[EventStream[base_events.EventT]]] def __init__( self, event_manager: event_manager_.EventManager, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.EventT], *, timeout: typing.Union[float, int, None], limit: typing.Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: self._active = False self._event: typing.Optional[asyncio.Event] = None self._event_manager = event_manager self._event_type = event_type self._filters: iterators.All[base_events.EventT] = iterators.All(()) self._limit = limit self._queue: typing.List[base_events.EventT] = [] self._registered_listener: typing.Optional[ typing.Callable[[base_events.EventT], typing.Coroutine[typing.Any, typing.Any, None]] ] = None # The registered wrapping function for the weak ref to this class's _listener method. self._timeout = timeout def __enter__(self) -> Self: return self def __exit__( self, exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]], exc_val: typing.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> None: self.close() async def __anext__(self) -> base_events.EventT: if not self._active: raise TypeError("stream must be started with before entering it") while not self._queue: if not self._event: self._event = asyncio.Event() try: await asyncio.wait_for(self._event.wait(), timeout=self._timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: raise StopAsyncIteration from None self._event.clear() return self._queue.pop(0) def __await__(self) -> typing.Generator[None, None, typing.Sequence[base_events.EventT]]: return self._await_all().__await__() def __del__(self) -> None: # For the sake of protecting highly intelligent people who forget to close this, we register the event listener # with a weakref then try to close this on deletion. While this may lead to their consoles being spammed, this # is a small price to pay as it'll be way more obvious what's wrong than if we just left them with a vague # ominous memory leak. if self._active: _LOGGER.warning("active %r streamer fell out of scope before being closed", self._event_type.__name__) self.close() async def _await_all(self) -> typing.Sequence[base_events.EventT]: result = [event async for event in self] self.close() return result async def _listener(self, event: base_events.EventT) -> None: if not self._filters(event) or (self._limit is not None and len(self._queue) >= self._limit): return self._queue.append(event) if self._event: self._event.set() def close(self) -> None: if self._active and self._registered_listener is not None: try: self._event_manager.unsubscribe(self._event_type, self._registered_listener) except ValueError: pass self._registered_listener = None self._active = False def filter( self, *predicates: typing.Union[typing.Tuple[str, typing.Any], typing.Callable[[base_events.EventT], bool]], **attrs: typing.Any, ) -> Self: filter_ = self._map_predicates_and_attr_getters("filter", *predicates, **attrs) if self._active: self._queue = [entry for entry in self._queue if filter_(entry)] self._filters |= filter_ return self def open(self) -> None: if not self._active: # For the sake of protecting highly intelligent people who forget to close this, we register the event # listener with a weakref then try to close this on deletion. While this may lead to their consoles being # spammed, this is a small price to pay as it'll be way more obvious what's wrong than if we just left them # with a vague ominous memory leak. reference = weakref.WeakMethod(self._listener) listener = _generate_weak_listener(reference) self._registered_listener = listener self._event_manager.subscribe(self._event_type, listener) self._active = True
def _assert_is_listener(parameters: typing.Iterator[inspect.Parameter], /) -> None: if next(parameters, None) is None: raise TypeError("Event listener must have one positional argument for the event object.") if any(param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty for param in parameters): raise TypeError("Only the first argument for a listener can be required, the event argument.")
[docs] def filtered( event_types: typing.Union[typing.Type[base_events.Event], typing.Sequence[typing.Type[base_events.Event]]], cache_components: config.CacheComponents = config.CacheComponents.NONE, /, ) -> typing.Callable[[_UnboundMethodT[_EventManagerBaseT]], _UnboundMethodT[_EventManagerBaseT]]: """Add metadata to a consumer method to indicate when it should be unmarshalled and dispatched. Parameters ---------- event_types Types of the events this raw consumer method may dispatch. This may either be a singular type of a sequence of types. Other Parameters ---------------- cache_components : hikari.api.config.CacheComponents Bitfield of the cache components this event may make altering calls to. This defaults to `hikari.api.config.CacheComponents.NONE`. """ if isinstance(event_types, typing.Sequence): # dict.fromkeys is used to remove any duplicate entries here event_types = tuple(dict.fromkeys(itertools.chain.from_iterable(e.dispatches() for e in event_types))) else: event_types = event_types.dispatches() bitmask = 0 for event_type in event_types: bitmask |= event_type.bitmask() # def decorator(method: _UnboundMethodT[_EventManagerBaseT], /) -> _UnboundMethodT[_EventManagerBaseT]: method.__cache_components__ = cache_components # type: ignore[attr-defined] method.__events_bitmask__ = bitmask # type: ignore[attr-defined] assert isinstance(method, _FilteredMethodT), "Incorrect attribute(s) set for a filtered method" return method # type: ignore[unreachable] return decorator
@attrs.define(weakref_slot=False) class _Consumer: callback: _ConsumerT = attrs.field(hash=True) """The callback function for this consumer.""" events_bitmask: int = attrs.field() """The registered events bitmask.""" is_caching: bool = attrs.field() """Cached value of whether or not this consumer is making cache calls in the current env.""" listener_group_count: int = attrs.field(init=False, default=0) """The number of listener groups registered to this consumer.""" waiter_group_count: int = attrs.field(init=False, default=0) """The number of waiters groups registered to this consumer.""" @property def is_enabled(self) -> bool: return self.is_caching or self.listener_group_count > 0 or self.waiter_group_count > 0
[docs] class EventManagerBase(event_manager_.EventManager): """Provides functionality to consume and dispatch events. Specific event handlers should be in functions named `on_xxx` where `xxx` is the raw event name being dispatched in lower-case. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("_consumers", "_event_factory", "_intents", "_listeners", "_waiters") def __init__( self, event_factory: event_factory_.EventFactory, intents: intents_.Intents, *, cache_components: config.CacheComponents = config.CacheComponents.NONE, ) -> None: self._consumers: typing.Dict[str, _Consumer] = {} self._event_factory = event_factory self._intents = intents self._listeners: _ListenerMapT[base_events.Event] = {} self._waiters: _WaiterMapT[base_events.Event] = {} for name, member in inspect.getmembers(self): if name.startswith("on_"): event_name = name[3:] if isinstance(member, _FilteredMethodT): caching = (member.__cache_components__ & cache_components) != 0 self._consumers[event_name] = _Consumer(member, member.__events_bitmask__, caching) else: self._consumers[event_name] = _Consumer(member, -1, cache_components != cache_components.NONE) def _increment_listener_group_count( self, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.Event], count: typing.Literal[-1, 1] ) -> None: event_bitmask = event_type.bitmask() for consumer in self._consumers.values(): if (consumer.events_bitmask & event_bitmask) == event_bitmask: consumer.listener_group_count += count def _increment_waiter_group_count( self, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.Event], count: typing.Literal[-1, 1] ) -> None: event_bitmask = event_type.bitmask() for consumer in self._consumers.values(): if (consumer.events_bitmask & event_bitmask) == event_bitmask: consumer.waiter_group_count += count def _enabled_for_event(self, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.Event], /) -> bool: for cls in event_type.dispatches(): if cls in self._listeners or cls in self._waiters: return True return False def _check_event(self, event_type: typing.Type[typing.Any], nested: int) -> None: try: is_event = issubclass(event_type, base_events.Event) except TypeError: is_event = False if not is_event: raise TypeError("'event_type' is a non-Event type") # Collection of combined bitfield combinations of intents that # could be enabled to receive this event. expected_intent_groups = base_events.get_required_intents_for(event_type) if expected_intent_groups: for expected_intent_group in expected_intent_groups: if (self._intents & expected_intent_group) == expected_intent_group: break else: expected_intents_str = ", ".join(map(str, expected_intent_groups)) warnings.warn( f"You have tried to listen to {event_type.__name__}, but this will only ever be triggered if " f"you enable one of the following intents: {expected_intents_str}.", category=errors.MissingIntentWarning, stacklevel=nested + 3, )
[docs] def consume_raw_event( self, event_name: str, shard: gateway_shard.GatewayShard, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> None: if self._enabled_for_event(shard_events.ShardPayloadEvent): payload_event = self._event_factory.deserialize_shard_payload_event(shard, payload, name=event_name) self.dispatch(payload_event) consumer = self._consumers[event_name.lower()] asyncio.create_task(self._handle_dispatch(consumer, shard, payload), name=f"dispatch {event_name}")
# Yes, this is not generic. The reason for this is MyPy complains about # using ABCs that are not concrete in generic types passed to functions. # For the sake of UX, I will check this at runtime instead and let the # user use a static type checker.
[docs] def subscribe( self, event_type: typing.Type[typing.Any], callback: event_manager_.CallbackT[typing.Any], *, _nested: int = 0 ) -> None: if not inspect.iscoroutinefunction(callback): raise TypeError("Cannot subscribe a non-coroutine function callback") # `_nested` is used to show the correct source code snippet if an intent # warning is triggered. self._check_event(event_type, _nested) _LOGGER.debug( "subscribing callback 'async def %s%s' to event-type %s.%s", getattr(callback, "__name__", "<anon>"), inspect.signature(callback), event_type.__module__, event_type.__qualname__, ) try: self._listeners[event_type].append(callback) except KeyError: self._listeners[event_type] = [callback] self._increment_listener_group_count(event_type, 1)
[docs] def get_listeners( self, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.EventT], /, *, polymorphic: bool = True ) -> typing.Collection[event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT]]: if polymorphic: listeners: typing.List[event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT]] = [] for event in event_type.dispatches(): if subscribed_listeners := self._listeners.get(event): listeners.extend(subscribed_listeners) return listeners if items := self._listeners.get(event_type): return items.copy() return ()
# Yes, this is not generic. The reason for this is MyPy complains about # using ABCs that are not concrete in generic types passed to functions. # For the sake of UX, I will check this at runtime instead and let the # user use a static type checker.
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, event_type: typing.Type[typing.Any], callback: event_manager_.CallbackT[typing.Any]) -> None: if listeners := self._listeners.get(event_type): _LOGGER.debug( "unsubscribing callback %s%s from event-type %s.%s", getattr(callback, "__name__", "<anon>"), inspect.signature(callback), event_type.__module__, event_type.__qualname__, ) listeners.remove(callback) if not listeners: del self._listeners[event_type] self._increment_listener_group_count(event_type, -1)
[docs] def listen( self, *event_types: typing.Type[base_events.EventT] ) -> typing.Callable[[event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT]], event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT]]: def decorator( callback: event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT], ) -> event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT]: # Avoid resolving forward references in the function's signature if # event_type was explicitly provided as this may lead to errors. if event_types: _assert_is_listener(iter(inspect.signature(callback).parameters.values())) resolved_types = event_types else: signature = reflect.resolve_signature(callback) params = signature.parameters.values() _assert_is_listener(iter(params)) event_param = next(iter(params)) annotation = event_param.annotation if annotation is event_param.empty: raise TypeError("Must provide the event type in the @listen decorator or as a type hint!") if typing.get_origin(annotation) in _UNIONS: # Resolve the types inside the union resolved_types = typing.get_args(annotation) else: # Just pass back the annotation resolved_types = (annotation,) for resolved_type in resolved_types: self.subscribe(resolved_type, callback, _nested=1) return callback return decorator
[docs] def dispatch(self, event: base_events.Event) -> asyncio.Future[typing.Any]: tasks: typing.List[typing.Coroutine[None, typing.Any, None]] = [] for cls in event.dispatches(): if listeners := self._listeners.get(cls): for callback in listeners: tasks.append(self._invoke_callback(callback, event)) if cls not in self._waiters: continue waiter_set = self._waiters[cls] for waiter in tuple(waiter_set): predicate, future = waiter if not future.done(): try: if predicate and not predicate(event): continue except Exception as ex: future.set_exception(ex) else: future.set_result(event) waiter_set.remove(waiter) if not waiter_set: del self._waiters[cls] self._increment_waiter_group_count(cls, -1) return asyncio.gather(*tasks) if tasks else aio.completed_future()
[docs] def stream( self, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.EventT], /, timeout: typing.Union[float, int, None], limit: typing.Optional[int] = None, ) -> event_manager_.EventStream[base_events.EventT]: self._check_event(event_type, 1) return EventStream(self, event_type, timeout=timeout, limit=limit)
[docs] async def wait_for( self, event_type: typing.Type[base_events.EventT], /, timeout: typing.Union[float, int, None], predicate: typing.Optional[event_manager_.PredicateT[base_events.EventT]] = None, ) -> base_events.EventT: if not inspect.isclass(event_type) or not issubclass(event_type, base_events.Event): raise TypeError("Cannot wait for a non-Event type") self._check_event(event_type, 1) future: asyncio.Future[base_events.EventT] = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future() waiter_set: typing.MutableSet[_WaiterT[base_events.Event]] try: waiter_set = self._waiters[event_type] except KeyError: waiter_set = set() self._waiters[event_type] = waiter_set self._increment_waiter_group_count(event_type, 1) pair = (predicate, future) waiter_set.add(pair) # type: ignore[arg-type] try: return await asyncio.wait_for(future, timeout=timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: waiter_set.remove(pair) # type: ignore[arg-type] if not waiter_set: del self._waiters[event_type] self._increment_waiter_group_count(event_type, -1) raise
async def _handle_dispatch( self, consumer: _Consumer, shard: gateway_shard.GatewayShard, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> None: if not consumer.is_enabled: name = consumer.callback.__name__ _LOGGER.log( ux.TRACE, "Skipping raw dispatch for %s due to lack of any registered listeners or cache need", name ) return try: await consumer.callback(shard, payload) except asyncio.CancelledError: # Skip cancelled errors, likely caused by the event loop being shut down. pass except errors.UnrecognisedEntityError: _LOGGER.debug("Event referenced an unrecognised entity, discarding") except BaseException as ex: asyncio.get_running_loop().call_exception_handler( { "message": "Exception occurred in raw event dispatch conduit", "exception": ex, "task": asyncio.current_task(), } ) async def _invoke_callback( self, callback: event_manager_.CallbackT[base_events.EventT], event: base_events.EventT ) -> None: try: await callback(event) except Exception as ex: # Skip the first frame in logs, we don't care for it. trio = type(ex), ex, ex.__traceback__.tb_next if ex.__traceback__ is not None else None if base_events.is_no_recursive_throw_event(event): _LOGGER.error( "an exception occurred handling an event (%s), but it has been ignored", type(event).__name__, exc_info=trio, ) else: exception_event = base_events.ExceptionEvent(exception=ex, failed_event=event, failed_callback=callback) log = _LOGGER.debug if self.get_listeners(type(exception_event), polymorphic=True) else _LOGGER.error log("an exception occurred handling an event (%s)", type(event).__name__, exc_info=trio) await self.dispatch(exception_event)