Source code for hikari.files

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# copies or substantial portions of the Software.
"""Utilities and classes for interacting with files and web resources."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = (

import abc
import asyncio
import base64
import concurrent.futures
import inspect
import io
import mimetypes
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import typing
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request

import aiohttp
import attrs

from hikari.internal import aio
from hikari.internal import net
from hikari.internal import time

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    import types

_MAGIC: typing.Final[int] = 50 * 1024
SPOILER_TAG: typing.Final[str] = "SPOILER_"

ReaderImplT = typing.TypeVar("ReaderImplT", bound="AsyncReader")
ReaderImplT_co = typing.TypeVar("ReaderImplT_co", bound="AsyncReader", covariant=True)

[docs] Pathish = typing.Union["os.PathLike[str]", str]
"""Type hint representing a literal file or path. This may be one of: - `str` path. - `os.PathLike` derivative, such as `pathlib.PurePath` and `pathlib.Path`. """ RAWISH_TYPES = (bytes, bytearray, memoryview, io.BytesIO, io.StringIO)
[docs] Rawish = typing.Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview, io.BytesIO, io.StringIO]
"""Type hint representing valid raw data types. This may be one of: - `bytes` - `bytearray` - `memoryview` - `io.BytesIO` - `io.StringIO` (assuming UTF-8 encoding). """
[docs] LazyByteIteratorish = typing.Union[ typing.AsyncIterator[bytes], typing.AsyncIterable[bytes], typing.Iterator[bytes], typing.Iterable[bytes], typing.AsyncIterator[str], typing.AsyncIterable[str], typing.Iterator[str], typing.Iterable[str], typing.AsyncGenerator[bytes, typing.Any], typing.Generator[bytes, typing.Any, typing.Any], typing.AsyncGenerator[str, typing.Any], typing.Generator[str, typing.Any, typing.Any], asyncio.StreamReader, aiohttp.StreamReader, ]
"""Type hint representing an iterator/iterable of bytes. This may be one of: - `typing.AsyncIterator[bytes]` - `typing.AsyncIterable[bytes]` - `typing.Iterator[bytes]` - `typing.Iterable[bytes]` - `typing.AsyncIterator[str]` (assuming UTF-8 encoding). - `typing.AsyncIterable[str]` (assuming UTF-8 encoding). - `typing.Iterator[str]` (assuming UTF-8 encoding). - `typing.Iterable[str]` (assuming UTF-8 encoding). - `asyncio.StreamReader` - `aiohttp.StreamReader` """
[docs] Resourceish = typing.Union["Resource[typing.Any]", Pathish, Rawish]
"""Type hint representing a file or path to a file/URL/data URI. This may be one of: - `Resource` or a derivative. - `str` path. - `os.PathLike` derivative, such as `pathlib.PurePath` and `pathlib.Path`. - `bytes` - `bytearray` - `memoryview` - `io.BytesIO` - `io.StringIO` (assuming UTF-8 encoding). """
[docs] def ensure_path(pathish: Pathish) -> pathlib.Path: """Convert a path-like object to a `pathlib.Path` instance.""" return pathlib.Path(pathish)
[docs] def unwrap_bytes(data: Rawish) -> bytes: """Convert a byte-like object to bytes.""" if isinstance(data, bytearray): data = bytes(data) elif isinstance(data, memoryview): data = data.tobytes() elif isinstance(data, io.StringIO): data = bytes(, "utf-8") elif isinstance(data, io.BytesIO): data = return data
[docs] def ensure_resource(url_or_resource: Resourceish, /) -> Resource[AsyncReader]: """Given a resource or string, convert it to a valid resource as needed. Parameters ---------- url_or_resource : Resourceish The item to convert. If a `Resource` is passed, it is simply returned again. Anything else is converted to a `Resource` first. Returns ------- Resource The resource to use. """ if isinstance(url_or_resource, Resource): return url_or_resource if isinstance(url_or_resource, RAWISH_TYPES): data = unwrap_bytes(url_or_resource) filename = generate_filename_from_details(mimetype=None, extension=None, data=data) return typing.cast("Resource[AsyncReader]", Bytes(data, filename)) url_or_resource = str(url_or_resource) if url_or_resource.startswith(("https://", "http://")): return typing.cast("Resource[AsyncReader]", URL(url_or_resource)) if url_or_resource.startswith("data:"): try: return typing.cast("Resource[AsyncReader]", Bytes.from_data_uri(url_or_resource)) except ValueError: # If we cannot parse it, maybe it is some malformed file? pass path = pathlib.Path(url_or_resource) return typing.cast("Resource[AsyncReader]", File(path,
def guess_mimetype_from_filename(name: str, /) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Guess the mimetype of an object given a filename. Parameters ---------- name : bytes The filename to inspect. Returns ------- typing.Optional[str] The closest guess to the given filename. May be `None` if no match was found. """ guess, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(name) return guess def guess_mimetype_from_data(data: bytes, /) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Guess the mimetype of some data from the header. .. warning:: This function only detects valid image headers that Discord allows the use of. Anything else will go undetected. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The byte content to inspect. Returns ------- typing.Optional[str] The mimetype, if it was found. If the header is unrecognised, then `None` is returned. """ if data.startswith(b"\211PNG\r\n\032\n"): return "image/png" if data[6:].startswith((b"Exif", b"JFIF")): return "image/jpeg" if data.startswith((b"GIF87a", b"GIF89a")): return "image/gif" if data.startswith(b"RIFF") and data[8:].startswith(b"WEBP"): return "image/webp" return None def guess_file_extension(mimetype: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Guess the file extension for a given mimetype. Parameters ---------- mimetype : str The mimetype to guess the extension for. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python >>> guess_file_extension("image/png") ".png" Returns ------- typing.Optional[str] The file extension, prepended with a ``.``. If no match was found, return `None`. """ return mimetypes.guess_extension(mimetype) def generate_filename_from_details( *, mimetype: typing.Optional[str] = None, extension: typing.Optional[str] = None, data: typing.Optional[bytes] = None, ) -> str: """Given optional information about a resource, generate a filename. Parameters ---------- mimetype : typing.Optional[str] The mimetype of the content, or `None` if not known. extension : typing.Optional[str] The file extension to use, or `None` if not known. data : typing.Optional[bytes] The data to inspect, or `None` if not known. Returns ------- str A generated quasi-unique filename. """ if data is not None and mimetype is None: mimetype = guess_mimetype_from_data(data) if extension is None and mimetype is not None: extension = guess_file_extension(mimetype) if not extension: extension = "" elif not extension.startswith("."): extension = f".{extension}" # Nanosecond precision will be less likely to collide. return time.uuid() + extension def to_data_uri(data: bytes, mimetype: typing.Optional[str]) -> str: """Convert the data and mimetype to a data URI. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The data to encode as base64. mimetype : typing.Optional[str] The mimetype, or `None` if we should attempt to guess it. Returns ------- str A data URI string. """ if mimetype is None: mimetype = guess_mimetype_from_data(data) if mimetype is None: raise TypeError("Cannot infer mimetype from input data, specify it manually.") b64 = base64.b64encode(data).decode() return f"data:{mimetype};base64,{b64}" @attrs.define(weakref_slot=False)
[docs] class AsyncReader(typing.AsyncIterable[bytes], abc.ABC): """Protocol for reading a resource asynchronously using bit inception. This supports being used as an async iterable, although the implementation detail is left to each implementation of this class to define. """
[docs] filename: str = attrs.field(repr=True)
"""The filename of the resource."""
[docs] mimetype: typing.Optional[str] = attrs.field(repr=True)
"""The mimetype of the resource. May be `None` if not known."""
[docs] async def data_uri(self) -> str: """Fetch the data URI. This reads the entire resource. """ return to_data_uri(await, self.mimetype)
[docs] async def read(self) -> bytes: """Read the rest of the resource and return it in a `bytes` object.""" buff = bytearray() async for chunk in self: buff.extend(chunk) return buff
[docs] class AsyncReaderContextManager(abc.ABC, typing.Generic[ReaderImplT]): """Context manager that returns a reader.""" __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = () @abc.abstractmethod async def __aenter__(self) -> ReaderImplT: ... @abc.abstractmethod async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]], exc: typing.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> None: ... # These are only included at runtime in-order to avoid the model being typed as a synchronous context manager. if not typing.TYPE_CHECKING: def __enter__(self) -> typing.NoReturn: # This is async only. cls = type(self) raise TypeError(f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__} is async-only, did you mean 'async with'?") from None def __exit__(self, exc_type: typing.Type[Exception], exc_val: Exception, exc_tb: types.TracebackType) -> None: return None
@attrs.define(weakref_slot=False) class _NoOpAsyncReaderContextManagerImpl(AsyncReaderContextManager[ReaderImplT]): impl: ReaderImplT = attrs.field() async def __aenter__(self) -> ReaderImplT: return self.impl async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]], exc: typing.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> None: pass def _to_write_path(path: Pathish, default_filename: str, force: bool) -> pathlib.Path: path = ensure_path(path) if path.is_dir(): path = path.joinpath(default_filename) if not force and path.exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"file {path!r} already exists; use `force=True` to overwrite") return path.expanduser() def _open_write_path(path: Pathish, default_filename: str, force: bool) -> typing.BinaryIO: path = _to_write_path(path, default_filename, force) return"wb")
[docs] class Resource(typing.Generic[ReaderImplT], abc.ABC): """Base for any uploadable or downloadable representation of information. These representations can be streamed using bit inception for performance, which may result in significant decrease in memory usage for larger resources. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = () @property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def url(self) -> str: """URL of the resource."""
@property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def filename(self) -> str: """Filename of the resource."""
[docs] def extension(self) -> typing.Optional[str]: """File extension, if there is one.""" _, _, ext = self.filename.rpartition(".") return ext if ext != self.filename else None
[docs] async def read(self, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None) -> bytes: """Read the entire resource at once into memory. .. code-block:: python data = await # ^-- This is a shortcut for the following --v async with as reader: data = await .. warning:: If you simply wish to re-upload this resource to Discord via any endpoint in Hikari, you should opt to just pass this resource object directly. This way, Hikari can perform byte inception, which significantly reduces the memory usage for your bot as it grows larger. Parameters ---------- executor : typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] The executor to run in for blocking operations. If `None`, then the default executor is used for the current event loop. Returns ------- bytes The entire resource. """ async with as reader: return await
[docs] async def save( self, path: Pathish, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, force: bool = False ) -> None: """Save this resource to disk. This writes the resource file in chunks, and so does not load the entire resource into memory. Parameters ---------- path : Pathish The path to save this resource to. If this is a string, the path will be relative to the current working directory. executor : typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] The executor to run in for blocking operations. If `None`, then the default executor is used for the current event loop. force : bool Whether to overwrite an existing file. Defaults to `False`. """ loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() file = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, _open_write_path, path, self.filename, force) try: async with as reader: async for chunk in reader: await loop.run_in_executor(executor, file.write, chunk) finally: await loop.run_in_executor(executor, file.close)
[docs] def stream( self, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, head_only: bool = False ) -> AsyncReaderContextManager[ReaderImplT]: """Produce a stream of data for the resource. Parameters ---------- executor : typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] The executor to run in for blocking operations. If `None`, then the default executor is used for the current event loop. head_only : bool Defaults to `False`. If `True`, then the implementation may only retrieve HEAD information if supported. This currently only has any effect for web requests. This will fetch the headers for the HTTP resource this object points to without downloading the entire content, which can be significantly faster if you are scanning file types in messages, for example. Returns ------- AsyncReaderContextManager[AsyncReader] An async iterable of bytes to stream. This will error on enter if the target resource doesn't exist. """
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.url def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{type(self).__name__}(url={self.url!r}, filename={self.filename!r})" def __eq__(self, other: typing.Any) -> bool: if isinstance(other, Resource): return self.url == other.url return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash((self.__class__, self.url))
################### # WEBSITE STREAMS # ################### @attrs.define(weakref_slot=False)
[docs] class WebReader(AsyncReader): """Asynchronous reader to use to read data from a web resource."""
[docs] stream: aiohttp.StreamReader = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""The `aiohttp.StreamReader` to read the content from."""
[docs] url: str = attrs.field(repr=False)
"""The URL being read from."""
[docs] status: int = attrs.field()
"""The initial HTTP response status."""
[docs] reason: str = attrs.field()
"""The HTTP response status reason."""
[docs] charset: typing.Optional[str] = attrs.field()
"""Optional character set information, if known."""
[docs] size: typing.Optional[int] = attrs.field()
"""The size of the resource, if known."""
[docs] head_only: bool = attrs.field()
"""If `True`, then only the HEAD was requested. In this case, neither `__aiter__` nor `read` would return anything other than an empty byte string. """
[docs] async def read(self) -> bytes: return b"" if self.head_only else await
async def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[typing.Any, bytes]: if self.head_only: yield b"" else: while not chunk, _ = await yield chunk class _WebReaderAsyncReaderContextManagerImpl(AsyncReaderContextManager[WebReader]): __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("_web_resource", "_head_only", "_client_response_ctx", "_client_session") def __init__(self, web_resource: WebResource, head_only: bool) -> None: self._web_resource = web_resource self._head_only = head_only self._client_session: aiohttp.ClientSession = NotImplemented self._client_response_ctx: typing.AsyncContextManager[aiohttp.ClientResponse] = NotImplemented async def __aenter__(self) -> WebReader: client_session = aiohttp.ClientSession() method = "HEAD" if self._head_only else "GET" ctx = client_session.request(method, self._web_resource.url, raise_for_status=False) try: resp: aiohttp.ClientResponse = await ctx.__aenter__() if 200 <= resp.status < 400: mimetype = None filename = self._web_resource.filename if resp.content_disposition is not None: mimetype = resp.content_disposition.type if mimetype is None: mimetype = resp.content_type self._client_response_ctx = ctx self._client_session = client_session return WebReader( stream=resp.content, url=str(resp.real_url), status=resp.status, reason=str(resp.reason), filename=filename, charset=resp.charset, mimetype=mimetype, size=resp.content_length, head_only=self._head_only, ) else: raise await net.generate_error_response(resp) except Exception as ex: await ctx.__aexit__(type(ex), ex, ex.__traceback__) await client_session.close() raise async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]], exc: typing.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> None: await self._client_response_ctx.__aexit__(exc_type, exc, exc_tb) await self._client_session.close()
[docs] class WebResource(Resource[WebReader], abc.ABC): """Base class for a resource that resides on the internet. The logic for identifying this resource is left to each implementation to define. For a usable concrete implementation, use `URL` instead. Some components may choose to not upload this resource directly and instead simply refer to the URL as needed. The main place this will occur is within embeds. If you need to re-upload the resource, you should download it into a `bytes` and pass that instead in these cases. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ()
[docs] def stream( self, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, head_only: bool = False ) -> AsyncReaderContextManager[WebReader]: """Start streaming the content into memory by downloading it. You can use this to fetch the entire resource, parts of the resource, or just to view any metadata that may be provided. Parameters ---------- executor : typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] Not used. Provided only to match the underlying interface. head_only : bool Defaults to `False`. If `True`, then the implementation may only retrieve HEAD information if supported. This currently only has any effect for web requests. Examples -------- Downloading an entire resource at once into memory: .. code-block:: python async with as stream: data = await Checking the metadata: .. code-block:: python async with as stream: mimetype = stream.mimetype if mimetype is None: ... elif mimetype not in whitelisted_mimetypes: ... else: ... Fetching the data-uri of a resource: .. code-block:: python async with as stream: data_uri = await stream.data_uri() Returns ------- AsyncReaderContextManager[WebReader] An async context manager that when entered, produces the data stream. Raises ------ hikari.errors.BadRequestError If a 400 is returned. hikari.errors.UnauthorizedError If a 401 is returned. hikari.errors.ForbiddenError If a 403 is returned. hikari.errors.NotFoundError If a 404 is returned. hikari.errors.ClientHTTPResponseError If any other 4xx is returned. hikari.errors.InternalServerError If any other 5xx is returned. hikari.errors.HTTPResponseError If any other unexpected response code is returned. """ return _WebReaderAsyncReaderContextManagerImpl(self, head_only)
[docs] class URL(WebResource): """A URL that represents a web resource. .. note:: Some components may choose to not upload this resource directly and instead simply refer to the URL as needed. The main place this will occur is within embeds. If you need to re-upload the resource, you should download it into a `bytes` and pass that instead in these cases. Parameters ---------- url : str The URL of the resource. filename : typing.Optional[str] The filename for the resource. If not specified, it will be obtained from the url. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("_url", "_filename") def __init__(self, url: str, filename: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None: self._url = url self._filename = filename @property
[docs] def url(self) -> str: return self._url
[docs] def filename(self) -> str: if self._filename: return self._filename url = urllib.parse.urlparse(self._url) return os.path.basename(url.path)
######################################## # ON-DISK FILESYSTEM RESOURCE READERS. # ######################################## @attrs.define(weakref_slot=False) class ThreadedFileReader(AsyncReader): """Asynchronous file reader that reads a resource from local storage. This implementation works with pools that exist in the same interpreter instance as the caller, namely thread pool executors, where objects do not need to be pickled to be communicated. """ _executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor] = attrs.field(alias="executor") _pointer: typing.BinaryIO = attrs.field(alias="pointer") async def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[typing.Any, bytes]: loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() while True: chunk = await loop.run_in_executor(self._executor,, _MAGIC) yield chunk if len(chunk) < _MAGIC: break def _open_read_path(path: pathlib.Path) -> typing.BinaryIO: return path.expanduser().open("rb") @attrs.define(weakref_slot=False) class _ThreadedFileReaderContextManagerImpl(AsyncReaderContextManager[ThreadedFileReader]): executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor] = attrs.field() file: typing.Optional[typing.BinaryIO] = attrs.field(default=None, init=False) filename: str = attrs.field() path: pathlib.Path = attrs.field() async def __aenter__(self) -> ThreadedFileReader: if self.file: raise RuntimeError("File is already open") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() file = await loop.run_in_executor(self.executor, _open_read_path, self.path) self.file = file return ThreadedFileReader(self.filename, None, self.executor, file) async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: typing.Optional[typing.Type[BaseException]], exc: typing.Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: typing.Optional[types.TracebackType], ) -> None: if not self.file: raise RuntimeError("File isn't open") loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() await loop.run_in_executor(self.executor, self.file.close) self.file = None def _copy_to_path(current_path: pathlib.Path, copy_to_path: Pathish, default_filename: str, force: bool) -> None: copy_to_path = _to_write_path(copy_to_path, default_filename, force) shutil.copy2(current_path, copy_to_path)
[docs] class File(Resource[ThreadedFileReader]): """A resource that exists on the local machine's storage to be uploaded. Parameters ---------- path : typing.Union[str, os.PathLike, pathlib.Path] The path to use. If passing a `pathlib.Path`, this must not be a `pathlib.PurePath` directly, as it will be used to expand tokens such as `~` that denote the home directory, and `..` for relative paths. This will all be performed as required in an executor to prevent blocking the event loop. filename : typing.Optional[str] The filename to use. If this is `None`, the name of the file is taken from the path instead. spoiler : bool Whether to mark the file as a spoiler in Discord. Defaults to `False`. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("path", "_filename", "is_spoiler")
[docs] path: pathlib.Path
"""The path to the file."""
[docs] is_spoiler: bool
"""Whether the file will be marked as a spoiler.""" _filename: typing.Optional[str] def __init__(self, path: Pathish, /, filename: typing.Optional[str] = None, *, spoiler: bool = False) -> None: self.path = ensure_path(path) self.is_spoiler = spoiler self._filename = filename @property
[docs] def url(self) -> str: return f"attachment://{self.filename}"
[docs] def filename(self) -> str: filename = self._filename if self._filename else if self.is_spoiler: return SPOILER_TAG + filename return filename
[docs] def stream( self, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, head_only: bool = False ) -> AsyncReaderContextManager[ThreadedFileReader]: """Start streaming the resource using a thread pool executor. Parameters ---------- executor : typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] The thread executor to run the blocking read operations in. If `None`, the default executor for the running event loop will be used instead. Only `concurrent.futures.TheadPoolExecutor` is supported. head_only : bool Not used. Provided only to match the underlying interface. Returns ------- AsyncReaderContextManager[ThreadedFileReader] An async context manager that when entered, produces the data stream. Raises ------ IsADirectoryError If the file's path leads to a directory. FileNotFoundError If the file doesn't exist. """ if executor is None or isinstance(executor, concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor): # asyncio forces the default executor when this is None to always be a thread pool executor anyway, # so this is safe enough to do: return _ThreadedFileReaderContextManagerImpl(executor, self.filename, self.path) raise TypeError("The executor must be a ThreadPoolExecutor or None")
[docs] async def save( self, path: Pathish, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, force: bool = False ) -> None: # An optimization can be done here to avoid a lot of thread calls and streaming # by just copying the file loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() await loop.run_in_executor(executor, _copy_to_path, self.path, path, self.filename, force)
######################################################################## # RAW BYTE, ASYNC ITERATOR, ASYNC ITERABLE, ITERATOR, ITERABLE READERS # ######################################################################## @attrs.define(weakref_slot=False)
[docs] class IteratorReader(AsyncReader): """Asynchronous file reader that operates on in-memory data."""
[docs] data: typing.Union[bytes, LazyByteIteratorish] = attrs.field()
"""The data that will be yielded in chunks.""" async def __aiter__(self) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[typing.Any, bytes]: buff = bytearray() iterator = self._wrap_iter() while True: try: while len(buff) < _MAGIC: chunk = await iterator.__anext__() buff.extend(chunk) yield bytes(buff) buff.clear() except StopAsyncIteration: break if buff: yield bytes(buff) async def _wrap_iter(self) -> typing.AsyncGenerator[typing.Any, bytes]: if isinstance(, bytes): for i in range(0, len(, _MAGIC): yield[i : i + _MAGIC] # noqa: E203 - Whitespace before ":" elif aio.is_async_iterator( or inspect.isasyncgen( try: while True: yield self._assert_bytes(await except StopAsyncIteration: pass elif isinstance(, typing.Iterator): try: while True: yield self._assert_bytes(next( except StopIteration: pass elif inspect.isgenerator( try: while True: yield self._assert_bytes( except StopIteration: pass elif aio.is_async_iterable( async for chunk in yield self._assert_bytes(chunk) elif isinstance(, typing.Iterable): for chunk in yield self._assert_bytes(chunk) else: # Will always fail. self._assert_bytes( @staticmethod def _assert_bytes(data: typing.Any) -> bytes: if isinstance(data, str): return bytes(data, "utf-8") if not isinstance(data, bytes): raise TypeError(f"Expected bytes but received {type(data).__name__}") return data
def _write_bytes( path: Pathish, default_filename: str, force: bool, data: typing.Union[bytearray, bytes, memoryview] ) -> None: path = _to_write_path(path, default_filename, force) path.write_bytes(data)
[docs] class Bytes(Resource[IteratorReader]): """Representation of in-memory data to upload. Parameters ---------- data : typing.Union[Rawish, LazyByteIteratorish] The raw data. filename : str The filename to use. mimetype : typing.Optional[str] The mimetype, or `None` if you do not wish to specify this. If not provided, then this will be generated from the file extension of the filename instead. spoiler : bool Whether to mark the file as a spoiler in Discord. Defaults to `False`. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("data", "_filename", "mimetype", "is_spoiler")
[docs] data: typing.Union[bytes, LazyByteIteratorish]
"""The raw data/provider of raw data to upload."""
[docs] mimetype: typing.Optional[str]
"""The provided mimetype, if provided. Otherwise `None`."""
[docs] is_spoiler: bool
"""Whether the file will be marked as a spoiler.""" def __init__( self, data: typing.Union[Rawish, LazyByteIteratorish], filename: str, /, mimetype: typing.Optional[str] = None, *, spoiler: bool = False, ) -> None: if isinstance(data, RAWISH_TYPES): data = unwrap_bytes(data) = data if mimetype is None: mimetype = guess_mimetype_from_filename(filename) or "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" self._filename = filename self.mimetype = mimetype self.is_spoiler = spoiler @property
[docs] def url(self) -> str: return f"attachment://{self.filename}"
[docs] def filename(self) -> str: if self.is_spoiler: return SPOILER_TAG + self._filename return self._filename
[docs] def stream( self, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, head_only: bool = False ) -> AsyncReaderContextManager[IteratorReader]: """Start streaming the content in chunks. Parameters ---------- executor : typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] Not used. Provided only to match the underlying interface. head_only : bool Not used. Provided only to match the underlying interface. Returns ------- AsyncReaderContextManager[IteratorReader] An async context manager that when entered, produces the data stream. """ return _NoOpAsyncReaderContextManagerImpl(IteratorReader(self.filename, self.mimetype,
[docs] async def save( self, path: Pathish, *, executor: typing.Optional[concurrent.futures.Executor] = None, force: bool = False ) -> None: if not isinstance(, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)): await super().save(path, executor=executor, force=force) return # An optimization can be done here to avoid a lot of thread calls and streaming # by just writing the whole data at once loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() await loop.run_in_executor(executor, _write_bytes, path, self.filename, force,
[docs] def from_data_uri(data_uri: str, filename: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> Bytes: """Parse a given data URI. Parameters ---------- data_uri : str The data URI to parse. filename : typing.Optional[str] Filename to use. If this is not provided, then this is generated instead. Returns ------- Bytes The parsed data URI as a `Bytes` object. Raises ------ ValueError If the parsed argument is not a data URI. """ if not data_uri.startswith("data:"): raise ValueError("Invalid data URI passed") # This will not block for a data URI; if it was a URL, it would block, so # we guard against this with the check above. try: with urllib.request.urlopen(data_uri) as response: # noqa: S310 audit url open for permitted schemes mimetype, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(data_uri) data = except Exception as ex: raise ValueError("Failed to decode data URI") from ex if filename is None: filename = generate_filename_from_details(mimetype=mimetype, data=data) return Bytes(data, filename, mimetype=mimetype)