Source code for hikari.api.entity_factory

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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"""Core interface for an object that serializes/deserializes API objects."""
from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = ("EntityFactory", "GatewayGuildDefinition")

import abc
import typing

from hikari import undefined

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from hikari import applications as application_models
    from hikari import audit_logs as audit_log_models
    from hikari import channels as channel_models
    from hikari import commands
    from hikari import embeds as embed_models
    from hikari import emojis as emoji_models
    from hikari import files
    from hikari import guilds as guild_models
    from hikari import invites as invite_models
    from hikari import messages as message_models
    from hikari import presences as presence_models
    from hikari import scheduled_events as scheduled_events_models
    from hikari import sessions as gateway_models
    from hikari import snowflakes
    from hikari import stickers as sticker_models
    from hikari import templates as template_models
    from hikari import users as user_models
    from hikari import voices as voice_models
    from hikari import webhooks as webhook_models
    from hikari.interactions import base_interactions
    from hikari.interactions import command_interactions
    from hikari.interactions import component_interactions
    from hikari.interactions import modal_interactions
    from hikari.internal import data_binding

[docs] class GatewayGuildDefinition(abc.ABC): """Structure for handling entities within guild create and update events. .. warning:: The methods on this class may raise `LookupError` if called when the relevant resource isn't available in the inner payload. """ __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = () @property @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def id(self) -> snowflakes.Snowflake: """ID of the guild the definition is for."""
[docs] def channels(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, channel_models.PermissibleGuildChannel]: """Get a mapping of channel IDs to the channels that belong to the guild."""
[docs] def emojis(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, emoji_models.KnownCustomEmoji]: """Get a mapping of emoji IDs to the emojis that belong to the guild."""
[docs] def stickers(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, sticker_models.GuildSticker]: """Get a mapping of sticker IDs to the stickers that belong to the guild."""
[docs] def guild(self) -> guild_models.GatewayGuild: """Get the object of the guild this definition is for."""
[docs] def members(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, guild_models.Member]: """Get a mapping of user IDs to the members that belong to the guild. .. note:: This may be a partial mapping of members in the guild. """
[docs] def presences(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, presence_models.MemberPresence]: """Get a mapping of user IDs to the presences that are active in the guild. .. note:: This may be a partial mapping of presences active in the guild. """
[docs] def roles(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, guild_models.Role]: """Get a mapping of role IDs to the roles that belong to the guild."""
[docs] def threads(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, channel_models.GuildThreadChannel]: """Get a mapping of thread IDs to the public threads the bot can access in the guild."""
[docs] def voice_states(self) -> typing.Mapping[snowflakes.Snowflake, voice_models.VoiceState]: """Get a mapping of user IDs to the voice states that are active in the guild."""
[docs] class EntityFactory(abc.ABC): """Interface for components that serialize and deserialize JSON payloads.""" __slots__: typing.Sequence[str] = () ###################### # APPLICATION MODELS # ###################### @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_own_connection(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> application_models.OwnConnection: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an own connection object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.OwnConnection The deserialized "own connection" object. """
[docs] def deserialize_own_guild(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> application_models.OwnGuild: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an own guild object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.OwnGuild The deserialized "own guild" object. """
[docs] def deserialize_own_application_role_connection( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> application_models.OwnApplicationRoleConnection: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an own application role connection object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.OwnApplicationRoleConnection The deserialized "own application role connection" object. """
[docs] def deserialize_application(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> application_models.Application: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an application object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.Application The deserialized application object. """
[docs] def deserialize_authorization_information( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> application_models.AuthorizationInformation: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an authorization information object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.AuthorizationInformation The deserialized authorization information object. """
[docs] def deserialize_application_connection_metadata_record( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> application_models.ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecord: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an application connection metadata record object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecord The deserialized "application connection metadata record" object. """
[docs] def serialize_application_connection_metadata_record( self, record: application_models.ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecord ) -> data_binding.JSONObject: """Serialize an application connection metadata record object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- record : hikari.applications.ApplicationRoleConnectionMetadataRecord The record object to serialize. Returns ------- hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The serialized representation of the record object. """
[docs] def deserialize_partial_token(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> application_models.PartialOAuth2Token: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a partial OAuth2 token object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.PartialOAuth2Token The deserialized partial OAuth2 token object. """
[docs] def deserialize_authorization_token( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> application_models.OAuth2AuthorizationToken: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an authorization token object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.OAuth2AuthorizationToken The deserialized OAuth2 authorization token object. """
[docs] def deserialize_implicit_token(self, query: data_binding.Query) -> application_models.OAuth2ImplicitToken: """Parse a query from Discord into an implicit token object. Parameters ---------- query : hikari.internal.data_binding.Query The query parameters to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.applications.OAuth2ImplicitToken The deserialized OAuth2 implicit token object. """
##################### # AUDIT LOGS MODELS # ##################### @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_audit_log( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: snowflakes.Snowflake ) -> audit_log_models.AuditLog: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an audit log object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this audit log belongs to. Returns ------- hikari.audit_logs.AuditLog The deserialized audit log object. """
[docs] def deserialize_audit_log_entry( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> audit_log_models.AuditLogEntry: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an audit log entry object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this entry belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.audit_logs.AuditLogEntry The deserialized audit log entry object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
################## # CHANNEL MODELS # ################## @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_channel_follow(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> channel_models.ChannelFollow: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a channel follow object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.channels.ChannelFollow The deserialized channel follow object. """
[docs] def deserialize_permission_overwrite(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> channel_models.PermissionOverwrite: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a permission overwrite object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.channels.PermissionOverwrite The deserialized permission overwrite object. """
[docs] def serialize_permission_overwrite(self, overwrite: channel_models.PermissionOverwrite) -> data_binding.JSONObject: """Serialize a permission overwrite object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- overwrite : hikari.channels.PermissionOverwrite The permission overwrite object to serialize. Returns ------- hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The serialized representation of the permission overwrite. """
[docs] def deserialize_partial_channel(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> channel_models.PartialChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a partial channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.channels.PartialChannel The deserialized "partial channel" object. """
[docs] def deserialize_dm(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> channel_models.DMChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a DM channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.channels.DMChannel The deserialized DM channel object. """
[docs] def deserialize_group_dm(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> channel_models.GroupDMChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a group DM channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GroupDMChannel The deserialized group DM object. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_category( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildCategory: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild category object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. This currently only covers the gateway `GUILD_CREATE` event, where it is not included in the channel's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildCategory The deserialized guild category object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_text_channel( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildTextChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild text channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. This currently only covers the gateway `GUILD_CREATE` event, where it is not included in the channel's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildTextChannel The deserialized guild text channel object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_news_channel( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildNewsChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild news channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. This currently only covers the gateway `GUILD_CREATE` event, where it is not included in the channel's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildNewsChannel The deserialized guild news channel object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_voice_channel( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildVoiceChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild voice channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. This currently only covers the gateway `GUILD_CREATE` event, where it is not included in the channel's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildVoiceChannel The deserialized guild voice channel object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_stage_channel( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildStageChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild stage channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. This currently only covers the gateway `GUILD_CREATE` event, where it is not included in the channel's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildStageChannel The deserialized guild stage channel object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_forum_channel( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildForumChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild forum channel object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. This currently only covers the gateway `GUILD_CREATE` event, where it is not included in the channel's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildForumChannel The deserialized guild forum channel object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def serialize_forum_tag(self, tag: channel_models.ForumTag) -> data_binding.JSONObject: """Serialize a forum tag object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- tag : hikari.channels.ForumTag The forum tag object to serialize. Returns ------- hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The serialized representation of the forum tag. """
[docs] def deserialize_thread_member( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, thread_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.ThreadMember: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a thread member object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- thread_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] ID of the thread this member belongs to. This will be prioritised over `"id"` in the payload when passed. .. note:: `thread_id` currently only covers the gateway GUILD_CREATE event where the field are is included in the thread member's payload. Returns ------- hikari.channels.ThreadMember The deserialized thread member object. Raises ------ KeyError If `thread_id` or `user_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when the relevant field isn't present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_thread( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, member: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[channel_models.ThreadMember] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildThreadChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild thread channel object. Parameters ---------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. .. note:: `guild_id` currently only covers the gateway GUILD_CREATE event where `"guild_id"` is not included in the channel's payload. member : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.channels.ThreadMember] The member object for the thread. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"member"` in the payload when passed. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildThreadChannel The deserialized guild thread channel object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_news_thread( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, member: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[channel_models.ThreadMember] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildNewsThread: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild news thread object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. This will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload when passed. .. note:: `guild_id` currently only covers the gateway GUILD_CREATE event where `"guild_id"` is not included in the channel's payload. member : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.channels.ThreadMember] The member object for the thread. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"member"` in the payload when passed. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildNewsThread The deserialized guild news thread object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_public_thread( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, member: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[channel_models.ThreadMember] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildPublicThread: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild public thread object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. This will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload when passed. .. note:: `guild_id` currently only covers the gateway GUILD_CREATE event where `"guild_id"` is not included in the channel's payload. member : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.channels.ThreadMember] The member object for the thread. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"member"` in the payload when passed. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildPublicThread The deserialized guild public thread object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_private_thread( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, member: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[channel_models.ThreadMember] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.GuildPrivateThread: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild private thread object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. This will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload when passed. .. note:: `guild_id` currently only covers the gateway GUILD_CREATE event where `"guild_id"` is not included in the channel's payload. member : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.channels.ThreadMember] The member object for the thread. If passed then this will be prioritised over `"member"` in the payload when passed. Returns ------- hikari.channels.GuildPrivateThread The deserialized guild private thread object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_channel( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> channel_models.PartialChannel: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a channel object. .. note:: This also deserializes to thread channels. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this channel belongs to. This will be ignored for DM and group DM channels and will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload when passed. This is necessary in GUILD_CREATE events, where `"guild_id"` is not included in the channel's payload Returns ------- hikari.channels.PartialChannel The deserialized partial channel-derived object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload of a guild channel. hikari.errors.UnrecognisedEntityError If the channel type is unknown. """
################ # EMBED MODELS # ################ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_embed(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> embed_models.Embed: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an embed object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.embeds.Embed The deserialized embed object. """
[docs] def serialize_embed( self, embed: embed_models.Embed ) -> typing.Tuple[data_binding.JSONObject, typing.List[files.Resource[files.AsyncReader]]]: """Serialize an embed object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- embed : hikari.embeds.Embed The embed object to serialize. Returns ------- typing.Tuple[hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject, typing.List[hikari.files.Resource]] A tuple with two items in it. The first item will be the serialized embed representation. The second item will be a list of resources to upload with the embed. """
################ # EMOJI MODELS # ################ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_unicode_emoji(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> emoji_models.UnicodeEmoji: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a unicode emoji object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.emojis.UnicodeEmoji The deserialized unicode emoji object. """
[docs] def deserialize_custom_emoji(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> emoji_models.CustomEmoji: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a custom emoji object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.emojis.CustomEmoji The deserialized custom emoji object. """
[docs] def deserialize_known_custom_emoji( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: snowflakes.Snowflake ) -> emoji_models.KnownCustomEmoji: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a known custom emoji object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. guild_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The ID of the guild this emoji belongs to. This is used to ensure that the guild a known custom emoji belongs to is remembered by allowing for a context based artificial `guild_id` attribute. Returns ------- hikari.emojis.KnownCustomEmoji The deserialized "known custom emoji" object. """
[docs] def deserialize_emoji( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> typing.Union[emoji_models.UnicodeEmoji, emoji_models.CustomEmoji]: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an emoji object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.emojis.UnicodeEmoji or hikari.emojis.CustomEmoji The deserialized custom or unicode emoji object. """
################## # GATEWAY MODELS # ################## @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_gateway_bot_info(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> gateway_models.GatewayBotInfo: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a gateway bot object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.sessions.GatewayBotInfo The deserialized gateway bot information object. """
################ # GUILD MODELS # ################ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_guild_widget(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> guild_models.GuildWidget: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild widget object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.GuildWidget The deserialized guild widget object. """
[docs] def deserialize_welcome_screen(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> guild_models.WelcomeScreen: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild welcome screen object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.WelcomeScreen The deserialized guild welcome screen object. """
[docs] def serialize_welcome_channel(self, welcome_channel: guild_models.WelcomeChannel) -> data_binding.JSONObject: """Serialize a welcome channel object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- welcome_channel : hikari.guilds.WelcomeChannel The guild welcome channel object to serialize. Returns ------- hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The serialized representation of the welcome channel. """
[docs] def deserialize_member( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, user: undefined.UndefinedOr[user_models.User] = undefined.UNDEFINED, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> guild_models.Member: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a member object. .. note:: `guild_id` covers cases such as the GUILD_CREATE gateway event and GET Guild Member where `"guild_id"` is not included in the returned payload. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- user : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.users.User] The user to attach to this member, should only be passed in situations where "user" is not included in the payload. guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this member belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.Member The deserialized member object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload. """
[docs] def deserialize_role( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: snowflakes.Snowflake ) -> guild_models.Role: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a role object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. guild_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The ID of the guild this role belongs to. This is used to ensure that the guild a role belongs to is remembered by allowing for a context based artificial `guild_id` attribute. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.Role The deserialized role object. """
[docs] def deserialize_partial_integration(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> guild_models.PartialIntegration: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a partial integration object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.PartialIntegration The deserialized partial integration object. """
[docs] def deserialize_integration( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> guild_models.Integration: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an integration object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this integration belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.Integration The deserialized integration object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload for the payload of the integration. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_member_ban(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> guild_models.GuildBan: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild member ban object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.GuildBan The deserialized guild member ban object. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_preview(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> guild_models.GuildPreview: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild preview object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.GuildPreview The deserialized guild preview object. """
[docs] def deserialize_rest_guild(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> guild_models.RESTGuild: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.guilds.RESTGuild The deserialized guild object. """
[docs] def deserialize_gateway_guild( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, user_id: snowflakes.Snowflake ) -> GatewayGuildDefinition: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. user_id : hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake The current user's ID. Returns ------- GatewayGuildDefinition The deserialized guild object and the internal collections as maps of `hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake` mapping to `hikari.channels.GuildChannel`, `hikari.guilds.Member`, `hikari.presences.MemberPresence`, `hikari.guilds.Role`, `hikari.emojis.KnownCustomEmoji`, and `hikari.stickers.GuildSticker`. This is provided in several components to allow separate caching and linking between entities in various relational cache implementations internally. """
###################### # INTERACTION MODELS # ###################### @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_slash_command( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> commands.SlashCommand: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a slash command object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this command belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.commands.SlashCommand The deserialized slash command object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload for the payload of the integration. """
[docs] def deserialize_context_menu_command( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> commands.ContextMenuCommand: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a context menu command object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this command belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.commands.ContextMenuCommand The deserialized context menu command object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload for the payload of the integration. """
[docs] def deserialize_command( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> commands.PartialCommand: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a command object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedNoneOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this command belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.commands.PartialCommand The deserialized command object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload for the payload of the integration. hikari.errors.UnrecognisedEntityError If the command type is unknown. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_command_permissions( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> commands.GuildCommandPermissions: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into guild command permissions object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.commands.GuildCommandPermissions The deserialized guild command permissions object. """
[docs] def serialize_command_permission(self, permission: commands.CommandPermission) -> data_binding.JSONObject: """Serialize a command permission object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- permission : hikari.commands.CommandPermission The command permission object to serialize. Returns ------- hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The serialized representation of the command permission. """
[docs] def deserialize_partial_interaction(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> base_interactions.PartialInteraction: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a partial interaction object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.interactions.base_interactions.PartialInteraction The deserialized partial interaction object. """
[docs] def deserialize_command_interaction( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> command_interactions.CommandInteraction: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a command interaction object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.interactions.command_interactions.CommandInteraction The deserialized command interaction object. """
[docs] def deserialize_autocomplete_interaction( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an autocomplete interaction object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction The deserialized autocomplete interaction object. """
[docs] def deserialize_modal_interaction(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> modal_interactions.ModalInteraction: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a modal interaction object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.interactions.modal_interactions.ModalInteraction The deserialized modal interaction object. """
[docs] def deserialize_interaction(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> base_interactions.PartialInteraction: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an interaction object. .. note:: This isn't required to implement logic for deserializing PING interactions and if you want to unmarshal those `EntityFactory.deserialize_partial_interaction` should be compatible. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.interactions.base_interactions.PartialInteraction The deserialized interaction object. Raises ------ hikari.errors.UnrecognisedEntityError If the integration type is unknown. """
[docs] def serialize_command_option(self, option: commands.CommandOption) -> data_binding.JSONObject: """Serialize a command option object to a json serializable dict. Parameters ---------- option : hikari.commands.CommandOption The command option object to serialize. Returns ------- hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The serialized representation of the command option. """
[docs] def deserialize_component_interaction( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> component_interactions.ComponentInteraction: """Parser a raw payload from Discord into a component interaction object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.interactions.component_interactions.ComponentInteraction The deserialized component interaction. """
################# # INVITE MODELS # ################# @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_vanity_url(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> invite_models.VanityURL: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a vanity url object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.invites.VanityURL The deserialized vanity url object. """
[docs] def deserialize_invite(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> invite_models.Invite: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an invite object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.invites.Invite The deserialized invite object. """
[docs] def deserialize_invite_with_metadata(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> invite_models.InviteWithMetadata: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a invite with metadata object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.invites.InviteWithMetadata The deserialized invite with metadata object. """
################## # STICKER MODELS # ################## @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_sticker_pack(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> sticker_models.StickerPack: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a sticker pack object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.stickers.StickerPack The deserialized sticker pack object. """
[docs] def deserialize_partial_sticker(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> sticker_models.PartialSticker: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a partial sticker object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.stickers.PartialSticker The deserialized partial sticker object. """
[docs] def deserialize_standard_sticker(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> sticker_models.StandardSticker: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a standard sticker object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.stickers.StandardSticker The deserialized standard sticker object. """
[docs] def deserialize_guild_sticker(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> sticker_models.GuildSticker: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a guild sticker object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.stickers.GuildSticker The deserialized guild sticker object. """
################## # MESSAGE MODELS # ################## @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_partial_message(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> message_models.PartialMessage: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a partial message object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.messages.PartialMessage The deserialized partial message object. """
[docs] def deserialize_message(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> message_models.Message: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a message object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.messages.Message The deserialized message object. """
################### # PRESENCE MODELS # ################### @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_member_presence( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> presence_models.MemberPresence: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a member presence object. .. note:: At the time of writing, the only place where `guild_id` will be mandatory is when parsing presences sent in a `GUILD_CREATE` event from Discord, since the `guild_id` attribute in the payload will have been omitted for redundancy. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild the presence belongs to. If this is specified then it is prioritised over `guild_id` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.presences.MemberPresence The deserialized member presence object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is not an attribute of the `payload` dict, and no guild ID was passed for the `guild_id` parameter. If this is raised, no guild ID info was provided anywhere. """
########################## # SCHEDULED EVENT MODELS # ########################## @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_scheduled_external_event( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> scheduled_events_models.ScheduledExternalEvent: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a scheduled external event object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.scheduled_events.ScheduledExternalEvent The deserialized scheduled external event object. """
[docs] def deserialize_scheduled_stage_event( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> scheduled_events_models.ScheduledStageEvent: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a scheduled stage event object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.scheduled_events.ScheduledStageEvent The deserialized scheduled stage event object. """
[docs] def deserialize_scheduled_voice_event( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> scheduled_events_models.ScheduledVoiceEvent: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a scheduled voice event object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.scheduled_events.ScheduledVoiceEvent The deserialized scheduled voice event object. """
[docs] def deserialize_scheduled_event(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> scheduled_events_models.ScheduledEvent: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a scheduled event object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.scheduled_events.ScheduledEvent The deserialized scheduled event object. Raises ------ hikari.errors.UnrecognisedEntityError If the scheduled event type is unknown. """
[docs] def deserialize_scheduled_event_user( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> scheduled_events_models.ScheduledEventUser: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a scheduled event user object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild the user belongs to. If this is specified then it is prioritised over `guild_id` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.scheduled_events.ScheduledEventUser The deserialized scheduled event user object. """
################### # TEMPLATE MODELS # ################### @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_template(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> template_models.Template: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a template object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.templates.Template The deserialized template object. """
############### # USER MODELS # ############### @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_user(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> user_models.User: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a user object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.users.User The deserialized user object. """
[docs] def deserialize_my_user(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> user_models.OwnUser: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a user object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.users.OwnUser The deserialized user object. """
################ # VOICE MODELS # ################ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_voice_state( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject, *, guild_id: undefined.UndefinedOr[snowflakes.Snowflake] = undefined.UNDEFINED, member: undefined.UndefinedOr[guild_models.Member] = undefined.UNDEFINED, ) -> voice_models.VoiceState: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a voice state object. .. note:: At the time of writing, `GUILD_CREATE` events are the only known place where neither `guild_id` nor `member` will be keys on the payload. In this case, you will need to provide the former parameters explicitly. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Other Parameters ---------------- guild_id : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.snowflakes.Snowflake] The ID of the guild this voice state belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"guild_id"` in the payload. member : hikari.undefined.UndefinedOr[hikari.guilds.Member] The object of the member this voice state belongs to. If this is specified then this will be prioritised over `"member"` in the payload. Returns ------- hikari.voices.VoiceState The deserialized voice state object. Raises ------ KeyError If `guild_id` is left as `hikari.undefined.UNDEFINED` when `"guild_id"` is not present in the passed payload for the payload of the voice state. This will also be raised if no `member` data was passed in any acceptable place. """
[docs] def deserialize_voice_region(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> voice_models.VoiceRegion: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a voice region object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.voices.VoiceRegion The deserialized voice region object. """
################## # WEBHOOK MODELS # ################## @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def deserialize_incoming_webhook(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> webhook_models.IncomingWebhook: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a incoming webhook object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.webhooks.IncomingWebhook The parsed incoming webhook object. """
[docs] def deserialize_channel_follower_webhook( self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject ) -> webhook_models.ChannelFollowerWebhook: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a channel follower webhook object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.webhooks.ChannelFollowerWebhook The parsed channel follower webhook object. """
[docs] def deserialize_application_webhook(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> webhook_models.ApplicationWebhook: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into an application webhook object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.webhooks.ApplicationWebhook The parsed application webhook object. """
[docs] def deserialize_webhook(self, payload: data_binding.JSONObject) -> webhook_models.PartialWebhook: """Parse a raw payload from Discord into a webhook object. Parameters ---------- payload : hikari.internal.data_binding.JSONObject The JSON payload to deserialize. Returns ------- hikari.webhooks.PartialWebhook The deserialized webhook object. Raises ------ hikari.errors.UnrecognisedEntityError If the channel type is unknown. """