
Provides an interface for Interaction REST server API implementations to follow.

Module Contents#

class hikari.api.interaction_server.InteractionServer[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

Interface for an implementation of an interactions compatible REST server.

abstract get_listener(interaction_type, /)[source]#
abstract get_listener(interaction_type: Type[hikari.interactions.component_interactions.ComponentInteraction], /) ListenerT[hikari.interactions.component_interactions.ComponentInteraction, _ModalOrMessageResponseBuilder] | None
abstract get_listener(interaction_type: Type[hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction], /) ListenerT[hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction, hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionAutocompleteBuilder] | None
abstract get_listener(interaction_type: Type[hikari.interactions.modal_interactions.ModalInteraction], /) ListenerT[hikari.interactions.modal_interactions.ModalInteraction, _MessageResponseBuilderT] | None
abstract get_listener(interaction_type: Type[_InteractionT_co], /) ListenerT[_InteractionT_co, hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionResponseBuilder] | None

Get the listener registered for an interaction.


Type of the interaction to get the registered listener for.

typing.Optional[ListenersT[hikari.interactions.base_interactions.PartialInteraction, hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionResponseBuilder]

The callback registered for the provided interaction type if found, else None.

abstract async on_interaction(body, signature, timestamp)[source]#

Handle an interaction received from Discord as a REST server.


The interaction payload.


Value of the "X-Signature-Ed25519" header used to verify the body.


Value of the "X-Signature-Timestamp" header used to verify the body.


Instructions on how the REST server calling this should respond to the interaction request.

abstract set_listener(interaction_type, listener, /, *, replace=False)[source]#
abstract set_listener(interaction_type: Type[hikari.interactions.component_interactions.ComponentInteraction], listener: ListenerT[hikari.interactions.component_interactions.ComponentInteraction, _ModalOrMessageResponseBuilder] | None, /, *, replace: bool = False) None
abstract set_listener(interaction_type: Type[hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction], listener: ListenerT[hikari.interactions.command_interactions.AutocompleteInteraction, hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionAutocompleteBuilder] | None, /, *, replace: bool = False) None
abstract set_listener(interaction_type: Type[hikari.interactions.modal_interactions.ModalInteraction], listener: ListenerT[hikari.interactions.modal_interactions.ModalInteraction, _MessageResponseBuilderT] | None, /, *, replace: bool = False) None

Set the listener callback for this interaction server.


The type of interaction this listener should be registered for.

listenertyping.Optional[ListenerT[hikari.interactions.base_interactions.PartialInteraction, hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionResponseBuilder]]

The asynchronous listener callback to set or None to unset the previous listener.

An asynchronous listener can be either a normal coroutine or an async generator which should yield exactly once. This allows sending an initial response to the request, while still later executing further logic.

Other Parameters:

Whether this call should replace the previously set listener or not. This call will raise a ValueError if set to False when a listener is already set.


If replace is False when a listener is already set.

class hikari.api.interaction_server.Response[source]#

Bases: Protocol

Protocol of the data returned by InteractionServer.on_interaction.

This is used to instruct lower-level REST server logic on how it should respond.

abstract property charset: str | None[source]#

Charset of the response’s payload, if applicable.

abstract property content_type: str | None[source]#

Content type of the response’s payload, if applicable.

abstract property files: Sequence[hikari.files.Resource[hikari.files.AsyncReader]][source]#

Up to 10 files that should be included alongside a JSON response.

abstract property headers: MutableMapping[str, str] | None[source]#

Headers that should be added to the response if applicable.

abstract property payload: bytes | None[source]#

Payload to provide in the response.

abstract property status_code: int[source]#

Status code that should be used to respond.

For more information see <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status>.


Type hint of a Interaction server’s listener callback.

This should be an async callback which takes in one positional argument which subclasses hikari.interactions.base_interactions.PartialInteraction and may return an instance of the relevant hikari.api.special_endpoints.InteractionResponseBuilder subclass for the provided interaction type which will instruct the server on how to respond.