Source code for hikari.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# cython: language_level=3
# Copyright (c) 2020 Nekokatt
# Copyright (c) 2021-present davfsa
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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"""Exceptions and warnings that can be thrown by this library."""

from __future__ import annotations

__all__: typing.Sequence[str] = (

import http
import typing

import attr

from hikari.internal import attr_extensions
from hikari.internal import data_binding
from hikari.internal import enums

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from hikari import intents as intents_
    from hikari import messages
    from hikari import snowflakes
    from hikari.internal import routes

# The standard exceptions are all unsloted so slotting here would be a waste of time.
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, init=False, slots=False)
[docs]class HikariError(RuntimeError): """Base for an error raised by this API. Any exceptions should derive from this. .. note:: You should never initialize this exception directly. """
# The standard warnings are all unsloted so slotting here would be a waste of time. @attr_extensions.with_copy @attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, init=False, slots=False)
[docs]class HikariWarning(RuntimeWarning): """Base for a warning raised by this API. Any warnings should derive from this. .. note:: You should never initialize this warning directly. """
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class HikariInterrupt(KeyboardInterrupt, HikariError): """Exception raised when a kill signal is handled internally."""
[docs] signum: int = attr.field()
"""The signal number that was raised."""
[docs] signame: str = attr.field()
"""The signal name that was raised."""
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class ComponentStateConflictError(HikariError): """Exception thrown when an action cannot be executed in the component's current state. Dependent on context this will be thrown for components which are already running or haven't been started yet. """
[docs] reason: str = attr.field()
"""A string to explain the issue.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.reason
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class UnrecognisedEntityError(HikariError): """An exception thrown when an unrecognised entity is found."""
[docs] reason: str = attr.field()
"""A string to explain the issue.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.reason
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class GatewayError(HikariError): """A base exception type for anything that can be thrown by the Gateway."""
[docs] reason: str = attr.field()
"""A string to explain the issue.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return self.reason
[docs]class ShardCloseCode(int, enums.Enum): """Reasons for a shard connection closure.""" NORMAL_CLOSURE = 1_000 GOING_AWAY = 1_001 PROTOCOL_ERROR = 1_002 TYPE_ERROR = 1_003 ENCODING_ERROR = 1_007 POLICY_VIOLATION = 1_008 TOO_BIG = 1_009 UNEXPECTED_CONDITION = 1_011 UNKNOWN_ERROR = 4_000 UNKNOWN_OPCODE = 4_001 DECODE_ERROR = 4_002 NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 4_003 AUTHENTICATION_FAILED = 4_004 ALREADY_AUTHENTICATED = 4_005 INVALID_SEQ = 4_007 RATE_LIMITED = 4_008 SESSION_TIMEOUT = 4_009 INVALID_SHARD = 4_010 SHARDING_REQUIRED = 4_011 INVALID_VERSION = 4_012 INVALID_INTENT = 4_013 DISALLOWED_INTENT = 4_014 @property
[docs] def is_standard(self) -> bool: """Return `True` if this is a standard code.""" return (self.value // 1000) == 1
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class GatewayConnectionError(GatewayError): """An exception thrown if a connection issue occurs.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Failed to connect to server: {self.reason!r}"
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class GatewayServerClosedConnectionError(GatewayError): """An exception raised when the server closes the connection."""
[docs] code: typing.Union[ShardCloseCode, int, None] = attr.field(default=None)
"""Return the close code that was received, if there is one."""
[docs] can_reconnect: bool = attr.field(default=False)
"""Return `True` if we can recover from this closure. If `True`, it will try to reconnect after this is raised rather than it being propagated to the caller. If `False`, this will be raised, thus stopping the application unless handled explicitly by the user. """ def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Server closed connection with code {self.code} ({self.reason})"
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class HTTPError(HikariError): """Base exception raised if an HTTP error occurs while making a request."""
[docs] message: str = attr.field()
"""The error message."""
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class HTTPResponseError(HTTPError): """Base exception for an erroneous HTTP response."""
[docs] url: str = attr.field()
"""The URL that produced this error message."""
[docs] status: typing.Union[http.HTTPStatus, int] = attr.field()
"""The HTTP status code for the response. This will be `int` if it's outside the range of status codes in the HTTP specification (e.g. one of Cloudflare's non-standard status codes). """
[docs] headers: data_binding.Headers = attr.field()
"""The headers received in the error response."""
[docs] raw_body: typing.Any = attr.field()
"""The response body."""
[docs] message: str = attr.field(default="")
"""The error message."""
[docs] code: int = attr.field(default=0)
"""The error code.""" def __str__(self) -> str: if isinstance(self.status, http.HTTPStatus): name ="_", " ").title() name_value = f"{name} {self.status.value}" else: name_value = f"Unknown Status {self.status}" if self.code: code_str = f" ({self.code})" else: code_str = "" if self.message: body = self.message else: try: body = self.raw_body.decode("utf-8") except (AttributeError, UnicodeDecodeError, TypeError, ValueError): body = str(self.raw_body) chomped = len(body) > 200 return f"{name_value}:{code_str} '{body[:200]}{'...' if chomped else ''}' for {self.url}"
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class ClientHTTPResponseError(HTTPResponseError): """Base exception for an erroneous HTTP response that is a client error. All exceptions derived from this base should be treated as 4xx client errors when encountered. """
def _dump_errors(obj: data_binding.JSONObject, obj_string: str = "") -> str: string = "" for key, value in obj.items(): if isinstance(value, typing.Sequence): string += (obj_string or "root") + ":" for item in value: string += f"\n - {item['message']}" string += "\n\n" continue current_obj_string = f"{obj_string}{'.' if obj_string else ''}{key}" string += _dump_errors(value, current_obj_string) return string @attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class BadRequestError(ClientHTTPResponseError): """Raised when you send an invalid request somehow."""
[docs] status: http.HTTPStatus = attr.field(default=http.HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, init=False)
"""The HTTP status code for the response."""
[docs] errors: typing.Optional[typing.Mapping[str, data_binding.JSONObject]] = attr.field(default=None, kw_only=True)
"""Dict of top level field names to field specific error paths. For more information, this error format is loosely defined at <> and is commonly returned for 50035 errors. """ _cached_str: str = attr.field(default=None, init=False) def __str__(self) -> str: if self._cached_str: return self._cached_str value = super().__str__() if self.errors: value += "\n\n" try: value += _dump_errors(self.errors).strip("\n") except KeyError: value += data_binding.dump_json(self.errors, indent=2) self._cached_str = value return value
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class UnauthorizedError(ClientHTTPResponseError): """Raised when you are not authorized to access a specific resource."""
[docs] status: http.HTTPStatus = attr.field(default=http.HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, init=False)
"""The HTTP status code for the response."""
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class ForbiddenError(ClientHTTPResponseError): """Raised when you are not allowed to access a specific resource. This means you lack the permissions to do something, either because of permissions set in a guild, or because your application is not whitelisted to use a specific endpoint. """
[docs] status: http.HTTPStatus = attr.field(default=http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, init=False)
"""The HTTP status code for the response."""
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class NotFoundError(ClientHTTPResponseError): """Raised when something is not found."""
[docs] status: http.HTTPStatus = attr.field(default=http.HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, init=False)
"""The HTTP status code for the response."""
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, kw_only=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class RateLimitedError(ClientHTTPResponseError): """Raised when a non-global rate limit that cannot be handled occurs. If you receive one of these, you should NOT try again until the given time has passed, either discarding the operation you performed, or waiting until the given time has passed first. Note that it may still be valid to send requests with different attributes in them. A use case for this by Discord appears to be to stop abuse from bots that change channel names, etc, regularly. This kind of action allegedly causes a fair amount of overhead internally for Discord. In the case you encounter this, you may be able to send different requests that manipulate the same entities (in this case editing the same channel) that do not use the same collection of attributes as the previous request. """
[docs] route: routes.CompiledRoute = attr.field()
"""The route that produced this error."""
[docs] retry_after: float = attr.field()
"""How many seconds to wait before you can reuse the route with the specific request."""
[docs] status: http.HTTPStatus = attr.field(default=http.HTTPStatus.TOO_MANY_REQUESTS, init=False)
"""The HTTP status code for the response."""
[docs] message: str = attr.field(init=False)
"""The error message.""" @message.default def _(self) -> str: return f"You are being rate-limited for {self.retry_after:,} seconds on route {self.route}. Please slow down!"
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, kw_only=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class RateLimitTooLongError(HTTPError): """Internal error raised if the wait for a rate limit is too long. This is similar to `asyncio.TimeoutError` in the way that it is used, but this will be raised pre-emptively and immediately if the period of time needed to wait is greater than a user-defined limit. This will almost always be route-specific. If you receive this, it is unlikely that performing the same call for a different channel/guild/user will also have this rate limit. """
[docs] route: routes.CompiledRoute = attr.field()
"""The route that produced this error."""
[docs] retry_after: float = attr.field()
"""How many seconds to wait before you can retry this specific request."""
[docs] max_retry_after: float = attr.field()
"""How long the client is allowed to wait for at a maximum before raising."""
[docs] reset_at: float = attr.field()
"""UNIX timestamp of when this limit will be lifted."""
[docs] limit: int = attr.field()
"""The maximum number of calls per window for this rate limit."""
[docs] period: float = attr.field()
"""How long the rate limit window lasts for from start to end."""
[docs] message: str = attr.field(init=False)
"""The error message.""" @message.default def _(self) -> str: return ( "The request has been rejected, as you would be waiting for more than" f"the max retry-after ({self.max_retry_after}) on route {self.route}" ) # This may support other types of limits in the future, this currently # exists to be self-documenting to the user and for future compatibility # only. @property
[docs] def remaining(self) -> typing.Literal[0]: """Remaining requests in this window. This will always be `0` symbolically. """ return 0
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.message
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class InternalServerError(HTTPResponseError): """Base exception for an erroneous HTTP response that is a server error. All exceptions derived from this base should be treated as 5xx server errors when encountered. If you get one of these, it is not your fault! """
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, init=False, slots=False)
[docs]class MissingIntentWarning(HikariWarning): """Warning raised when subscribing to an event that cannot be fired. This is caused by your application missing certain intents. """
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class BulkDeleteError(HikariError): """Exception raised when a bulk delete fails midway through a call. This will contain the list of message items that failed to be deleted, and will have a cause containing the initial exception. """
[docs] deleted_messages: snowflakes.SnowflakeishSequence[messages.PartialMessage] = attr.field()
"""Any message objects that were deleted before an exception occurred.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Error encountered when bulk deleting messages ({len(self.deleted_messages)} messages deleted)"
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, init=False, slots=False)
[docs]class VoiceError(HikariError): """Error raised when a problem occurs with the voice subsystem."""
@attr.define(auto_exc=True, repr=False, slots=False)
[docs]class MissingIntentError(HikariError, ValueError): """Error raised when you try to perform an action without an intent. This is usually raised when querying the cache for something that is unavailable due to certain intents being disabled. """
[docs] intents: intents_.Intents = attr.field()
"""The combination of intents that are missing.""" def __str__(self) -> str: return "You are missing the following intent(s): " + ", ".join(map(str, self.intents.split()))